Neymar Reaction To Coutinho’s Barcelona Transfer

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Take a look at Neymar’s reaction to Philippe Coutinho’s record Barcelona transfer.

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BlameFootball says:

DEBATE: Neymar or Coutinho, who's better?

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Wara Humairah says:

1:28 ??????????????????????????

Keitharo Lin says:

Neymar is the Bestttt,my FAVVV, coutinho is good but Neymar is better than him 10 times

Gonk Droid says:

fuck coutinho he's some fucking ass shit boo outinho he said i'm so fat go fuck coutinho.

michael puente says:

lol Phil hasnt found a good barber in Spain yet

K A R V O says:

Neymar gets to much crap
He is nice he doesn’t deserve it

Hristi Dimkar says:

I am sorry but you are the worst football youtube channel on you tube!!!

Max Playz says:

What do you mean "struggle in our attack" we beat juve 3-0

Madfootballlboy says:

Neymar is Jealous

Berthel says:

lmao, neymar has waaay worse hair than coutinho.

Commandor Pai says:

Im the 1k like

DerpFace says:

Whats The name of The music on The background?
Srry for bad English

Peter Parker says:

Neymar is not Jealous, or not Stupid. Coutinho is Neymar's Friend. Doesn't friends makes fun of others?

Neymar jr jr says:

Neymar jr better to coutinho

Lw. 024 says:

isn't mbappe the second most expensive player ?

AR7 GAMING says:

Hey there close friends
NEYMER just make fun with him
don't take so serious

AR7 GAMING says:

Hey COUTINHO is 3rd biggest transfer

Hamza Patel says:

Neymar is jealous

Sveta says:

neymar cigan

This Is Jerinho says:

yeah. neymar always speaks english to all his brazilian fellows. isn't it faker and gayer?

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