Most Dramatic Goals and Game Winners – (With Titanic Music)

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FootyDzn says:

To everyone saying the music is shit, this video is a compilation of "titanic goals" where the song is from the movie Titanic. It's only there to make it more dramatic. If you have another song in mind to play over the goals let me know. Thanks

Top5Shqip says:

Messi goal was out of this world, but what’s so dramatic about that? Just an ordinary la liga game

Yimina lona Bafethu says:

The titanic song????

José Marinho says:

Portugal won the euro 2016 in the last minutes where is this goal ? ?

Le French Sandér Gamés says:

Who is watching this becuase of Titanic?

Julio Perez says:

Fu*ing music of ***

Cézanne says:

Pensé que era con música titánica no literalmente del Titanic

mystery world says:


Victor Mazariego says:

Gracias por editar tan original (mierda de música) pero no estoy enojado ?

Dillon Groves says:

3:50 Bilbao Vs Barca it was 19 mins in

Martim Calapez says:

??♥Best day in my life.

Ivan Sanchez says:

I'm happy for Messi and Neymar that I cry???

RCYFHUÇFT Sammut says:

Messi will always the the best player to ever play

Manu 03 says:

Super Mario Götze

Noa 18 King says:


Ams 17 says:

why did i laugh when the titanic music comes up?

Soccer Sam says:

That song is horrible how about no dong

LUIGI 191 says:

I saw with titanic music and immediately clicked on the video

Brett Higdon says:

Aguero's goal and the Watford goal are definitely the best of the lot.

Finn 31Clusmann says:

Music is too loud

Keegan Yeager says:

Beckham was to good

Eli Pahl says:

Honestly music completely ruined the video

Good News says:

Deeney looks like he wanted to take his pants off too out of excitement

Power Studio says:

Song is annoying

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