4-0? Even if you have 8-0 lead, you can’t possibly maintain it, in front of such great pure and authentic fanbase. Anfield is an amazing place and yeah I now totally believe it. Magic happens here! Yeah that was a very painful night for me for sure, cried all morning. But what can I say there was no chance Barca could have turned it around in any way possible! Truly a deserved win. #ynwa
never forget the day after, it was probably the only time in my life where i was looking forward to going to work, the honest banter and just the way people looked at me who are Man utd/city/chelsea/spurs fans etc who i'm usually at war with was unbelievable, i didn't go in screaming about how we won, i went in quiet and just lapped up comment after comment and looks of admiration from all fans showing their respect for what was one of the greatest matches in history, thats the great thing about champions league, fans outside CL we are rivals but inside CL we are a country.. back to normal next day "u fu**ing mancs"
7:42 Those staff, that suppose to move the CL ball flag as soon as the anthem begins, they couldn't realize the anthem had already started due to the volume of Anfield.
I from indonesia
We love liverpool
Lindo ! ??? respect from Lisboa, Portugal!
4-0? Even if you have 8-0 lead, you can’t possibly maintain it, in front of such great pure and authentic fanbase. Anfield is an amazing place and yeah I now totally believe it. Magic happens here!
Yeah that was a very painful night for me for sure, cried all morning. But what can I say there was no chance Barca could have turned it around in any way possible! Truly a deserved win. #ynwa
I’m not really a Liverpool fan .. but I’d LOVE to visit Anfield!
Huge respect for fans
What a beautiful scene, i wish be there some day.
From Libya ♥️
RESPECT from city fans
Messi creyó que estaba jugando y nunca aparecio
I’m from Norway and I really love Liverpool!
never forget the day after, it was probably the only time in my life where i was looking forward to going to work, the honest banter and just the way people looked at me who are Man utd/city/chelsea/spurs fans etc who i'm usually at war with was unbelievable, i didn't go in screaming about how we won, i went in quiet and just lapped up comment after comment and looks of admiration from all fans showing their respect for what was one of the greatest matches in history, thats the great thing about champions league, fans outside CL we are rivals but inside CL we are a country..
back to normal next day "u fu**ing mancs"
"Lets Fu**in Av Em"
the groundsman @4:18 made me chuckle "i'll think i'll grab that bit of tissue" right in front of the KOP
Liverpool wonderful
Reds Brazil ❤
Goosebump when played liverpool anthem if u also had like up
7:42 Those staff, that suppose to move the CL ball flag as soon as the anthem begins, they couldn't realize the anthem had already started due to the volume of Anfield.
As a Man City I need to say that this is crazy
This song make me want to shit??
The most beautiful sport in the world
This is really awesome! #great ?
Even as a United fan, the atmosphere is electric at Anfield, especially on European nights
Mandate il video a messi che a fegato il pallone d'oro
I’m Juventus fan and I have great respect for Liverpool fans!!! They are amazing!!!
Barca???????????????? liverpool ????????????
No other FC has this… very proud to be a Liverpool supporter…YNWA
Everton ??????
Lindo demais
I like how the song played and everyone followed along.
This is insane