Andres Iniesta vs Barcelona (27/07/2019) HD 1080i
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#Iniesta #Barcelona #VisselKobe #IniestaBarcelona
Andres Iniesta vs Barcelona (27/07/2019) HD 1080i
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#Iniesta #Barcelona #VisselKobe #IniestaBarcelona
Como juega iniesta, una envidia terrible la calidad, vision,el control en el balon y la tranquilidad de jugar que tiene
Esse é um exemplo que sozinho ninguém faz nada.
Zlatan Ibrahimović: I am like a Ferrari among Fiats!
inesta:are you talking about me?
This was so awkward to see iniesta not in barca colours
Which cup match is this.
Guy probably earns 1M a week
Inesta should be made coach of Spain national team to regain Spain lost supremacy in football
so what did he do, nothing.
Veo a un iniesta más canoso y andropausico
Iniesta: I will not stay in Spain as I don't want to face Barca ever.
Also Iniesta:
When Iniesta faces Barca after saying he will never face Barca :———)
Iniesta good from vietnam
Someday when Messi retired, barca will not same again in quality game
Damm iniesta still freaking good but he has no help the other players suckkkkkkkk.
david villa n iniesta
Iniesta no debia irse del barza debia retirarse del barza
Iniesta el Barcelona te extraña vuelve ?
Iniesta es un ilusionista
Messi es fuera de este mundo!!
Ronaldo Nazario es un dios!
Cr7 es una máquina!
Y Zidane un mago !! ??
Maraneh ngomong naon urang te ngarti?
I'm form India and I am a die hard fan of Real Madrid, but I like the Ex barca man A. Inieasta ❤❤❤❤??
Damn Iniesta still at his best
en que equipo juega iniesta?
Ai joga ate os 40 anos de quiser kkkkkk
Joga muinto o homi