Andres Iniesta vs Barcelona (27/07/2019) HD 1080i

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Andres Iniesta vs Barcelona (27/07/2019) HD 1080i
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#Iniesta #Barcelona #VisselKobe #IniestaBarcelona


Ce Ciel says:


Black Jack says:

Como juega iniesta, una envidia terrible la calidad, vision,el control en el balon y la tranquilidad de jugar que tiene

éverton sousa says:

Esse é um exemplo que sozinho ninguém faz nada.

Liu0081 says:

Zlatan Ibrahimović: I am like a Ferrari among Fiats!
inesta:are you talking about me?

saksham raj says:

This was so awkward to see iniesta not in barca colours

Cameron Madurai says:

Which cup match is this.

Wick Dhiskers says:

Guy probably earns 1M a week

zimin kim says:


superman 11 says:

Inesta should be made coach of Spain national team to regain Spain lost supremacy in football

K1 Fighter-88 says:

so what did he do, nothing.

David Schülz Gonzalez says:

Veo a un iniesta más canoso y andropausico

kidpaBōss says:

Iniesta: I will not stay in Spain as I don't want to face Barca ever.
Also Iniesta:

Shut It Loser says:

When Iniesta faces Barca after saying he will never face Barca :———)

Vá Bling says:

Iniesta good from vietnam

Harum MF says:

Someday when Messi retired, barca will not same again in quality game

Jorge Mejia says:

Damm iniesta still freaking good but he has no help the other players suckkkkkkkk.

Rahimi Ashraf says:

david villa n iniesta

maximo meridio gladiador says:

Iniesta no debia irse del barza debia retirarse del barza

Dark Side 606 says:

Iniesta el Barcelona te extraña vuelve ?

vitoques09 says:

Iniesta es un ilusionista
Messi es fuera de este mundo!!
Ronaldo Nazario es un dios!
Cr7 es una máquina!
Y Zidane un mago !! ??

Irpan Gates says:

Maraneh ngomong naon urang te ngarti?

1位世界 says:


Ritam Das says:

I'm form India and I am a die hard fan of Real Madrid, but I like the Ex barca man A. Inieasta ❤❤❤❤??

Wahyu Adrianto says:

Damn Iniesta still at his best

Coko Seduccion says:

en que equipo juega iniesta?

Grave Show says:

Ai joga ate os 40 anos de quiser kkkkkk
Joga muinto o homi

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