Why the hell are the salaries so high at FC Barcelona? | Oh My Goal

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FC Barcelona are world champions when it comes to the size of their payroll! Salaries cost the club a fortune! Why is the payroll so big at Barça? Why are salaries more significant at Barcelona than at Manchester United or Real Madrid? Find the answer in this video.


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mantesh sharma says:

Everything is large before decline.
GDP annual growth rate of Nazi Germany in 1940 was 55% . Madrid won 3 UCL in a row before becoming shittest rich team in Europe.
Messi is ageing. Valverde isn't leaving the club. Neymar is uncertain. Suarez is out of form.

memo aung says:

You didn’t explain anything from the titles question on why the salary is high. You pointed out players salaries and that’s about it

jeremy makokha says:

They are playing poorly…the reason for teams decline

luigi6838 says:

The salary will lessen when piquen and Messi leave. This two along with Busquets have gained massive salaries because of the time and throphies they've won in the Barca Careers. Others like Dembele and Griezmann they get overpaid because that was the only recruiting tool we have since winnings anything big in barca for as long as Valverde is there seems nearly impossible.

Wie is Iemand? says:

This is like asking why is bill gates rich

Jaja 2205 says:

B'coz they can afford it?

Mohamed Ali says:

I think 2nd place u mean Manchester city. Right.

Deruzzi says:

Man U hav such a big payroll for no reason

Liby Jomy says:

Go to mrbeast,ted ed or infographics show
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riley wong says:

Ter Stegen worth more


Neymar triggered

Yashraj The great dhindaw says:

No they will not be able to reduce the payroll

Jon Pool says:

Messi is effectively being paid that exorbitant salary to win laliga, cause that's all he's done lately.

sulochana bandiwadekar says:

What in the hell happened to as Roma

Abhishek Nag says:

Barca payroll highest – they are 1ST in La Liga rn
ManU payroll second highest – they're 16th in EPL

? ? ?

Ryan Playz says:

Lautati Martinez is coming to barca

Andres Ramírez says:

at least it’s not like man utd that ever overpays shit players

Anonymous says:

Mallorca – madrid 1-0 ????

Sofir Uddin says:

Why are the salaries so high at Manchester united

Ben K says:

Cuz their all good players

Renukha Bty says:

I Know the truth Barcelona pay high salaries because they fear that player will leave the club

GamingGlorious ! says:

Salaries are high cus they all are best and deserve it

MrKesh says:

You should do why bukayo saka can’t enter the dressing room despite playing first team football

Snow Flakeer says:

Neymar will take any salary just to be back at barca

Kill Me says:

What the hell is happening to pochettino?


Messi is carry Barcelona


beast football says:

Why are they using the talk sport theme song

Abhishek Singh says:

I think Martin age is a best option because it will be a great combination of Argentine players Messi and martinus which will help them both in Barcelona Argentina national team. But yah….. soon Messi will be retiring for Argentina and Barça

Rayyan killer_0357 says:

Talksports background music from facts to know

Savage Gamer 98 says:

I would love to increase the salary for a goalie like Ter Stegan

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