Out with the old and in with the new in the official FC Barcelona shop

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Secret AgentMan says:

I have an authentic Messi Jersey from the 2017/18 kit. Complete with the La Liga patch, and sponsor on the front. Looking to either sell it, or give it to an Argentinan fan. The 2015/16 shirts look much better, and more classic Barça

Jason Lopez says:

2 years already time flies by fast

Spiros Madafounis says:

Μονο μπαρτσελονα

كورة اون لاين says:

فيسكا برسا

Shaq onielzeeez says:

They still have the old ones

Manan Bhutiani says:

I wish I could get one of the old ones as I can't afford to buy the jerseys :$

Just iDoritozz says:

Why did they put the Neymar on the jerseys if he's not in Barca anymore?

Abraham Lee says:

It is so expensive

호현 says:

Not neymar TT

Kevin Ortega says:

Hey this New Jersey looks awsome?


ignacio muñoz says:

like si te gusta la nueva equipacion del fcbarcelona


Can we get it from any market

George Lopez says:

Who can get me one I'll send the money

abbas eynalov says:

qatar airway y

Hark Singh says:

Where can I get a barca jersey with my name on the back?

wizrn vicknzo says:

camiseta azulgrana existente de distancia

Diego Alvarado says:

I really hate the new home kit

Jesus Padilla says:

que le hacen a las playeras que no se vendieron?

Bryan Matthew says:

cant wait to see the away and the third kit

Camilo Velandia says:

hermosa la nueva camiseta de Barcelona ?

Joanico Amaral says:

Barca is the best

Funes A.7 says:

que lleguen esas poleras a boliviaaaaaaa porfavor Visca Barça

Pedro Vázquez García says:

Bartomeu #Dimision

Luis U. says:

I think that these kits looks similar to the 2012/13 season

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