Liverpool fan singing Allez Allez Allez inside Barcelona club store

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Liverpool Fans celebrating with Allez Allez Allez inside Barcelona club store . This is funny. A must watch.

Liverpool defeated Barcelona and Messi in the semi final and then went on to the win the Champions league title against Tottenham in the final.

#Liverpool #Barcelona #ChampionsLeague2019


Kacper Furmański says:

Messi have more trophies than Liverpool


That’s in salou! I’m currently there right now

Man city fan channel says:

If I was a Barca fan I would've gone and beat the shit out of them

stefano patsiuras says:

For all these years coming and takin our players..let's talk about SIX baby

Sam Scott says:

we just came here to sing a song … we are not soccer hooligans.. because we are nice people we are liverpool loyal fans????

airamona says:


youtube lover says:

they are felling so happy refreshing upload 🙂

Angels Malayalam says:


Cheezit says:

The coutinho part at the end tho

All In One says:


Arvin Judge says:

this is top class!

John Derwin says:

briallent ??

Oh Nana Nation says:

Hahahaha this is too funny. Victory is sweet lol

Ole Holgersen says:

Now, this is the kind of trolling I enjoy!

Xtrim Gamer says:

So what's the point of doing this?They are trying to show off barca or what?Can anyone explain,

Animesh Deka says:

Award winning troll ?

Places 2 Go Travel says:

WOW! QUALITY MATE! You must have had an amazing time 🙂

Christopher GUEST says:


Angel DoesArt says:

Wow the fans are all excited awesome ?????

TrooperLFC says:

top video lad. now, next time, learn how to film it in landscape. cheers

Abdi Majid says:

good fun for liverpool

Beer Man says:

Wow they are really really excited this is so funny! Great stuff…thanks for sharing! Cheers!

Sakshi Handa says:

Fantastic upload
Good job ??????

Zmile With Zera says:

Ee chaanel mothalaalikk praanthaayo???

Ryan Saveing says:


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