TIKI-TAKA FORMATION!!: Fifa 18 FALSE 9 Formation Guide/Review (Best Instructions/How To Play With)

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This Fifa 18 formation guide focuses on the tiki-taka formation in Fifa 18, the False 9 or 4-3-3 (5) formation. The False 9 formation is a really good attacking formation in Fifa 18, because it allows for great possession and ping pong passing. It is great for playing Tiki-Taka because of its spacing and attackers.

With the right players, formation, and instructions the False 9 formation could be extremely deadly in the attack and extremely solid in the defense.

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Chase Watkins says:

Both wings need to overlap, the wingers need to have default instructions and mid field needs to have free-roam on

Cem Edremitoğlu says:

Custom tactics ?

imbalancEr says:

custom taktiks?

A one legged man says:

you don't understand the 4 3 3 formation at all

Wesley Wade says:

But Liverpool fullbacks always overlaps

Keyur Kasinadhuni says:

What’re the custom tactics we could use

Rio Nguyen says:

custom tactic?

Conner Liam says:

Griezmann as CF?

Dog Tanion says:

Your a child who thinks ping pongs real lol

Hesham Kausar says:

Is Ibra best at Cf position? After applying the catalyst or hunter chem style?

Marcin Pelczar says:

Great tutorial. I've used IF Locadia at CF and he is just perfect for that position.

AwesomeIm757 says:

Hey ! Enjoyed the video , do you think cf Messi will work alone with Lw Iniesta

Daris Lim says:

For the CF role, will Mandzukic work? He can hold up the play well and a reliable finisher for me at a ST position.

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