Barcelona vs Real Madrid 2-2 – La Liga 2017/2018 – Highlights (English Commentary)

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Der Galatasaray Rasierer says:

Last El Clasico with Messi and Ronaldo……. 6th May 2018

Ashok Pradhan says:

Barcelona played an unfair game

mladencko says:

real madrid played dirty this match

Кейлор Навас says:

Ахахаха, Среал в большинстве не смог переиграть величайшую Барселону а Месси ногнул Кристиночку и всю пидридскую помойку.

smriti negi says:

Why.. players so agrresive

̨ڛۜــٺــٰاڕٺ ۛ ּنۨــٰاڀــټ says:

GUZZ Senpai says:

en el 5:01 Luka Modrić le dice que te pasa a Luis Suárez, y el en su mente dice ( a este lo desgracio)

Marcone Manoel Da Silva Manoel says:

O el clássico mas roubado da história

とびたひろかず says:

marusero saitei

Ben Huscroft says:

That was an obvious foul on varane

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