FC Barcelona training session: The team congratulates Messi for his 300 La Liga goals

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Bincho Hristov says:

Samo barsa??????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Oh Nah Nah says:


nicole debin says:

bonsoir messi tu es le Dieu du foute

Darwin Cornejo says:

alguien me puede decir x q aplauden

Scoot Crew Aalesund says:

Where can you buy these nice training clothes?

adrian aguilar says:

1.di un cantante
2.cierra tu voca
3. compartelo en 4 videos

Diaby Issa says:

Messi a révolutioné le n10,il est extra…

disedusk8 says:

Hablen en español

Nivalddocampos Campos says:


Krugom Shluhi says:

Энрике на стиле

Navagos G21 says:

0:53 Luis enrique on Cocaine ..hahah

Luiz Claudio says:

Dar gosto de ver esse time até treinando

Maurizio Dellepiane says:

to have messi and neymar in the same is just abuse!!

Sreeja Bhose says:

the gatorade ad before the video cheered me up 🙂

Dude Thank-God says:


4N1K3T P4T1L says:

this game is damn awesome

William Harrison says:

What is the name of the thing they have on their necks and heada

Jermaine Drummond says:


O Balls says:

Kinda ironic seeing Alves wearing shorts plus sleeves up and no warmers while almost everyone else does and he originates from a bloody warm country

kevnev342 says:

this Barcelona and the current golden state warriors are probably 2 of the best sporting teams in the history of sport. WE ARE LIVING IN AMAZING TIMES.

rylie alcantara says:

I haven't seen rafinha at practice when is he coming back

Rachel McAdams says:

Neymar looks so good. I Luv U♥

Rachel McAdams says:

Neymar the best.

Ulysses says:

I didn't know know was good enough to pass in a circle lol

FifaMessi010 says:

MESSI the best in the whole universe

masood ggg says:

افضل نادي ❤

Juaaanittooo says:

That one touch passing is beautiful!

BlackRoseRX7 says:

can anyone tell me if its possible to buy the pants some of them are wearing? they have the yellow on the back on the calves. thanks a lot.

Selena Model says:

Neymar super!!!!!!!)))))))

Johan andres Cruyffiesta says:

needed Neymar to get a yellow ffs

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