Tottenham players return to training ground after lockdown

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Tottenham players return to training after lockdown




I thought totenham players are humans…

Steve Alderley says:

Some pretty average cars when compared to the salaries these guys are on.

Benjamin says:

Use some of those profits to make the entry automated yah?

Esav Playz says:

Our boys are back in training spurs till I die

SUNNA TV says:

M. Salah S. Mane

Silver Steel says:

Stuff the players returning. Rain? Who’s seen rain since the lockdown in the south of country ? ☀️

john smith says:

theres been no rain in uk for last few weeks ?? ummm fake fake ????

Omar Noukhili says:

Who's BMW 's car ?

Eddie Capron says:

How about that guard just stayed right there instead of moving back and forth to that small room

j khongsai says:

No comments come on ya people

ken_ waqca says:

Yow Who's is that cadillac escalade???

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