Barcelona – Cordoba Highlights HD 20.12.2014

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Nicolas FRIEZ says:

 Claudio Bravo me fais peur se gardien est spécial

kamagate ibrahim says:

Messi tu es geni estra teres waii tu va me tue bravo messi bravo le barca

Kawsar Chowdhury says:

Messi is the man

Chachimorre says:

Messi finish this year with just 2 goals behind Ronaldo and this was and ok year for him.He is simply the best I've ever seen


I love ray Hudson and I love your channel. thanks !

Mareczek1908 says:

Rakitic is beast!

yanis sushansky says:

LOL that little oragasm at 1:21

mRwoRds2148 says:

Love the multi-angle takes, great video.

Roshad Smith says:

Thumps up for Ray Hudson!

TrollNepal says:

MESSI in not FUCKING happy…WHY THE FUCK he is always beeb play in the deep ?? why not play him in his natural position which is fucking false 9

Jared L says:

other than when he talked over ray at the beginning this announcer was fine
everyone stop being so harsh lol 

Hemin Gardi says:

I like all your clips mate, very nice! Specially with Ray Hudson 🙂

loltrogkf firepk says:

4* weak foot plz

Hayds Pop says:

I love your work man, keep it up!

Na2 OfficiaL says:

is it just me or there is no sound ? Still it was a good game and I am happy that Suarez scored that 1st goal in LaLiga 😀

Sacha202 says:

Bring back Phil! The main commentator sucked, it sounded like he didn't know what he was doing and it sounded like he talked over Ray hudson.

LM10 says:

Where is Phil? The commentator was just totally bad ..

WingS says:

that second goal from messi MAGISTERIAL!!!!

ImOnAGoat91 says:

That other commentary is just horrible.

Leafs9967 says:

LOL PIQUE HANGING ON THE CROSS BAR!!!! This 'aint basketball, lol

Crisitano Messi says:

Where is Phil? That Commentator is awful

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