How Barça are training at home! #StayAtHome

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Remember, being at home doesn’t mean not being active! Barça’s players have been sharing their workouts during self isolation on their social media and OTRO channels, check out what’s been happening during the break!


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David says:

gracias a toda la plantilla (en especial a la de fútbol) por donar tanto e intentar frenar la crisis del coronavirus. Sois un ejemplo a seguir, gracias de nuevo y seguid haciendo toques con el papel del váter, mastodontes, no vaya a ser que lo usen los pobres para su verdadera función. Venga máquinas dadle a tope a las máquinas, al papel del váter y a las bandas elásticas que os vais a poner del copón, ya quisiera yo tener esos pulmones y esos cojones, figuras

inglatheawesome says:

3:18 hockey skills was insane

alen kostomaj says:

Get your milions out and help the People around the world shame for all the players that are not helping

Osman Hersi says:


mannat kaur says:

Australia: having supermarket fights over toilet paper

Barca players: Well juggling is still considered using it right?

Astro Bomber says:

And where the hell is Suarez?

صاحِب الخُلق الحسن says:

Meeeessssssssi ?
Meeeessssssssi ?
Meeeessssssssi ?

sarvia samuy says:

Hi barcelona players iam a big fan and i like soccer and iam also training at home

Ismail mahouad says:

برشلونة برشلونه

Faith Sylva says:

What is name of the lady she is the best.

Messi king Rts says:

Messi Messi Messi King

Faith Sylva says:

Dembele is training

Rodrigo Zalazar 90 says:

No soy futbolista pero tengo mi gimnasio ?️‍♂️ en casa. Y estos pobres no cuentan con ningúna maquina Jajajaj ?????

Jahir Lopez says:

Pique you got to do great and you are

Olusegun Confort says:

I think they should be subtitle below to identify the player's (women)

Reda Ali Alsady says:

Força Barça

ilay kaki says:


Reda Ali Alsady says:

Best in the World.❤⚽

@Leo Messi

WTY HD says:

Ters tegen mi favorito y tu?

WTY HD says:

Ters tegen mi favorito y tu?

WTY HD says:

Ters tegen mi favorito y tu?

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