Would PSG and Barcelona agree to an Antoine Griezmann-Neymar swap? | Transfer Rater

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Steve Nicol and Mark Donaldson run through the latest transfer rumors including: Kylian Mbappe landing at Real Madrid, Odion Ighalo staying at Manchester United, Roberto Firmino leaving Liverpool and Antoine Griezmann going to PSG while Neymar returns to Barcelona.


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senseixmartin says:

Give them Dembele and Griezmann. I have to see Neymar at Barcelona or I can no longer be a fan… I'm sorry, But the MSN wat the greatest thing I've seen in Foot ball.

Milind Mehrotra says:

ESPN be like let's make mockery of top clubs and players!! Here they go again

Random Guy On The Internet says:

I see Griezmann as kind of a one man attack, a lad who can simultaneously play as a striker, attacking midfielder and winger.
He could fit in perfectly into a team like Bayern, Atletico and Chelsea. He can't thrive in a team with a lot of great attackers like PSG or Barcelona.

Aka Elmer says:

NEYMAR is far better than greizmann and more deadly on the field. If psg accepted that would be a big L for them


Ney to fcb + KM to real , though very hard, but if happen s ,then next few years Elclasico will be ney vs KM ,.

FinTo Babu says:

Are u start again… ?

CodeStar says:

neymar is a flop

Aaron Wright says:

I hope Barca trades him

lXl PCG 11 says:

Been a PSG fan for a while, but if Neymar and Mbappé leave I’m going to LaLiga.

crownbock123 says:

Barca needs to bring back Neymar and Coutinho

50 000 Subscriber With 0 Videos Challange says:

Real Madrid need to buy new LWF.
Barcelona need to buy new ST.
Liverpool need to buy new RWF, COZ Mo. Salah is too selfish……..

Oli Lori says:

Of course, that was the whole plan for Barcelona and Madrid. To make the liga the top again. Before they had Cristiano vs Messi. Next year Mbappe vs Neymar.

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