Raul Jimenez's next destination: Barcelona, Arsenal or Chelsea? | Transfer Talk

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ESPN FC’s Sebastian Salazar, Craig Burley and Herculez Gomez lock horns over the future of Wolverhampton Wanderers & Mexico striker Raul Jimenez. Burley thinks if he going to leave Molineux it certainly won’t be until the summer at the earliest, whilst Gomez think he’d be a better fit at Barcelona than Arsenal’s Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang.

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Omm.Sa1o says:

Stay for another season than obviously see what’s next but for now he should stay and see if him Adama and Jota can accomplish something big for Wolves because they deserve it

MrChavaIV says:

No sean mamones. El día que no falle tres goles echos. Entonces todos los equipos con dinero lo buscarán.

Superchuyito 1195 says:

For all we know he could end up in real madrid, he's just gonna be on the bench, he is better off staying with the wolves

Ezekiel's landscaping barraza says:

Just stay with the wolves for another year.

eyedeaosrs 1 says:

Mexico gave Gómez his career and all he does is bash Mexican players lmao idiot pocho

Jimmy B says:

Raul WILL NOT GO TO SPAIN He hates LA LIGA and LOVES the Premier League

Ruben Mayorga says:

Don’t f… with this man!! He is playing and doing good with wolfs!!! Enough!!!

Angel Zaldivar says:

I dont like raul in a spanish team tbh i think the game is to fast for his play style i think he should stay in england he fits better there

OpenTheB0x says:

People telling him to stay at wolves ? won’t happen because he’s at 40k /week there. Wolves would need to offer him a new deal like a 4-5 year contract worth at least 100-120k / week to retain him.

Abraxas Voice says:

From a mexican…he's not better or as good as Suarez..but when you play like Suarez then you must be good!!

Lazy King says:

Wolves is better barca messi other teams need goals legends start from scratch.

Cesar Vazquez says:

Yo creo que Jiménez tiene que quedarse con su equipo actual porque ellos crelleron en el y su afición lo quiere así que si tú equipo crello en ti no les des la espalda

czavala925 says:

Don’t go to Barcelona!! Stay in the Premier League Raul!!!

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