Barcelona News Round-Up ft Neymar Jr, Ter Stegen & Ousmane Dembele

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The latest news on the Barça front, with Neymar Jr once again linked with a transfer back to Barcelona from PSG this coming summer. Meanwhile, goalkeeper Marc-Andre ter Stegen has been linked with a surprising exit from the club. Along with Ousmane Dembélé’s injury problems explained by the French media…?

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TalkFCB says:

Back with some news for you guys! With a few interesting reports circulating over the past few days… What's your thoughts on it all?

Stealy FinesseGod says:

Offer grizmenn + rakitic and money

Shõn Noire says:

Coach: we never thought anyone would have to train much because, well, Messi.

Dembele: Nigga can't you see that's not enough.

Shõn Noire says:

Ter Stegen: I think ima head off to juventus

Messi: you leaving me for him?

Rajeev kc says:

Neymar should come
Griezmann is no way near Neymar

Ramiro Flores says:

I don't think it is because of training that Ter Stagen is considering leaving, I think it is because of lack of playing time in the German squad. It's believed that he would be picked first if he played in the Bundesliga.

Chiyaba Alberto says:

Barca won't let a transfer window go by without getting involved, I think it destabilizes the team. We're trigger happy, too much business and less football.

noromyxo. says:

I'd say let's bring Ney back, that could mean the passing of boots from Messi to Neymar, we have some exciting young prospects Ansu, Puig, Dembele, (hopefully if well)…this can help them to gain more experience on the sidelines…right now we need players who are in their prime, those who can get the job done for 2 or 3 seasons…we can't crowd the squad with young star prospects and expect them to blossom readily…MSN/ MGN would be our best bet…Messi alone is compromised, they don't look up to him as someone they want to learn from more than the whole squad rely on him…so yes I think Ney playing with Messi again would be our best bet for 2 or 3 seasons…I'm sure the young stars who are no overwhelmed by young superstardom would be excited to play sidelined to 2 or 3 (not sure if Suarez will still have it in him when he returns) of the very best,

Idoihh St Junior says:

We buy a player that is old and would become injure- prone … well, nice choice

Micah Tshibangu says:

We need to secure neymar. It’s top priority. Griezmann plays as a number 10 for France and played as a second striker for Atletico Madrid. So why did we buy him? He plays like a playmaker not like a Poacher like Suarez(And we got him to replace Suarez). And Messi will be our main playmaker till he retires. Same with Couthino. Played as a 10 for Brazil and Liverpool? Even at the time of buying him Messi had even more years. We keep dembele because he is both footed and can play left and right wing. We put both Griezmann and Couthino in a swap for Neymar plus money. We sell Rakitic(keep Vidal because he is hardworking). We sell Sergi Roberto because he is not a right back he is actually a mild fielder but we got to many that are better than him in the midfield (Arthur,De Jong,Arthur,Vidal). And he is not TAA at right back so gone. Even if we have the FIFA clause still get rid of Griezmann,Couthino,Rakitic and Sergi Roberto. And play the youngsters more. They are our future.

Jassim Majeed says:

Hey Jamie, what is your opinion on Raul Jimenez from Wolves

chinmaya jagadeb says:

Why you always with setien, I think he is not the right man for barca

M disiz says:

been a barca fan all my life and i can say that this team right now is absolute trash,
bringing fast players with great dribbling abilities and strong strikes just to turn them into passing goodfornothing machines, and using old players who make one run and get suddenly tired at 35min, exposing all their fucking internal problems on the media, can't even convince a young potential player to join them and ends up bringing unwanted players by other clubs,
WTF is this current board/team is doing !!!!

Monkey D. Luffy says:

Bartho outttt !!!!! He is a disaster

Bijaya Malla says:

Barca coach is not good

Super Warrior Man says:

Stegan is not pronounced like you do

Mapitsi Ngoepe says:

Enough with this Neymar, yoh.

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