he first team will be donning a special shirt for the Champions League Final in Berlin on Saturday. Along with the names of two finalists, it also features the date and venue. The inscription, as is the norm for big games like this, will be appearing in the centre of the chest.
El primer equipo lucirá el próximo sábado en Berlín una camiseta especial con el nombre de los dos finalistas, la fecha de la final y el estadio donde se juega, el Olympiastadion, con motivo de la final de la Liga de Campeones contra la Juventus. La inscripción, que es una práctica habitual cuando el equipo disputa la final de una competición oficial, aparecerá nuevamente en el pecho de la camiseta.
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Brand new "how to play like Xavi" video over on this channel if anyone wants to watch a masterclass from this legend…
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Messi looks ready to do some damage.
Why don't they make these available to the public!
this had to be recorded a long time ago atleast a week ago cuz alves has his hair
Messi was like – I need a fucking ball right now, I want to humiliate players and score goals Lol!
Lo incomodo y aburrida que deben ser esas seciones
Dani alves hair grows fast af
barca go barca
Messi doesn't seem to enjoy it very much.
Iniesta looks like he shit his pants but he doesn't want any one to know
go… go… go… Barca !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol they had no clue what the camera man was saying
leo was going to kill them with his face ?
The players look so uncomfortable
messi + ingles = sorry me no entiendo ingles
First dislike
how the hell did dani alves grow hair so quickly?
Açò de quin dia es? Per que el cabell de Alves no cuadra jajajaja