Cristiano Ronaldo vs Atletico Madrid HD 1080i Home (02/05/2017)

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Cristiano Ronaldo vs Atletico Madrid HD 1080i Home (02/05/2017) by Legasus. Subscribe and like if you enjoyed. Credits to Anass Teaser.


Serhiy Ohanesyan says:

Second song please?

Mamadou Bamba says:

bravo Ronaldo

Carlos Giron says:

Cristiano es el mejor de la historia
Ojala vuelva al Madrid!

Anderson Santos says:

Nome song 1 ,please ??

Strange limits says:

3:17 is very dirty

Susmita Luitel says:

the best player cr7

Asiel Sanchez says:

Cual es la canción del minuto 3:45 porfavor 🙁

Roberto Carlos Gonzalez Monroy says:

Song from intro? What name

Anderson Santos says:

Song name ??

Asiel Sanchez says:

Como se llama la 2da canción??

يحيى طعيمه says:

انتبهي م" مدنيين

edouard desessart says:

C est quoi le titre des 2 musique

Little Uzi says:

This is Ronaldo's best performance in 3 years. What a game

Starkiller says:

2:20 still got pace

Starkiller says:

2:20 still got pace

Ahmad Muzaki says:

Legasus . First song? please

Dc Shady says:

I'm a messi fan,but I like ronaldo

the best says:

Great goalscorer , not the best player

Omaro The Savage says:

What's the intro song name?

Fernando Ms says:

Steam Phunk – Grow (feat. M. Maggie) . 2 song.. NO PROBLEM 😛

bá phan giáp says:

what the name song? please!

Joao Goncalves says:

MESSI ball hogs that bull shit

Somali Enterteinment says:


kellen cheque says:

Hala madrid

Team sport Athlete says:

one of the best ronaldo games I have seen in a while, that pace and dribbling reminded me of those United days and of course a hat trick to remind everyone of what goal scoring machine he really is. A fucking legend.

Hassan Abdullahi says:

c7 is man forever

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