Barcelona ● Un dia de partit [Lyrics (Catalan/English)]

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Chant (song) of F. C. Barcelona (Barça) fans (supporters) with lyrics in Catalan and its subtitled translation in English.

Lletra / Lyrics:

Un dia de partit, al Gol Nord vaig anar
(It was a matchday, I went to the “Gol Nord”)
Només entrar a la grada, em vaig enamorar
(I just entered to the tribune, I felt in love)
El cor em bategava, no em preguntis per què
(My heart was beating, don’t ask me why)
Del Barça sóc “supporter”, sempre t’animaré
(I am a fan of Barça, I will always support you)
Alé alé alé alé alé alé alé alé alé alé alé alé
(Ale ale ale ale ale ale ale ale ale ale ale ale)



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