Never Wear a Real Madrid Shirt to a Barcelona Game

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Washington DC Summer 2011 Barce vs Manchester United


Allan Ray Sicam says:

Fartca! Fartcaaaaaa! MIERDAAAA!

TheOfficial DoobieAssassin says:

Puta Barca y puta Catalunya! Puta Barca y puta Catalunya! Puta Barca y puta Catalunya!

Gergely Bajnai says:

Catalan Gypsy

TharealMvsh says:

Puta Madrid!!!

Blut Doh says:

80000 barca fans vs one Madrid fan, shameful

samir melgar says:

he wasnt even from spain lmao

Rachid Door sws says:

Hala madrid i nada mas

Dennis Pacheco says:

grown man mom didnt him raise right no respect

losliya army says:

he sucks??. not as much as ronaldo when he misses open goals
PUTA MADRID!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yuvraj says:

and they have defeated Barca by 11-0

Yuvraj says:

Barca fans feel sad that real is best club in 21st century

Real Madrid Fan says:

12 champions bitchy suck it

Jaciel Roblero says:

Typical yank can't even pronounce busquets name this isn't football isn't for Americans

Darth Legion says:

well let me tell you the year is 2011 this guy is dumb if he thinks if madrid was better that year

TheAsianSteve says:

i feel soo bad

Ana Escorpio Quiroz ortiz says:

real madrid fan big respect for you

Clout Cruz says:

Barca fans, smh

AdmiralHD says:

barca sucks dicks

John Mejia says:

VISCA Barça !!

Matthew Lester says:

Stupid yank.
10 years.
Over €1 Billion spent.
0 European cup.

GloryGloryME22 says:

This was hilarious!

Sam McAlley says:

Guaton, Carbon Salute the Champion. BARCAAA

Chuck Norris says:

Barça cabron saluda al campeon

Chuck Norris says:

Yeah Yeah Talk to my Ass

Chuck Norris says:

LOL thecollectorex got pwned becuse he knows real is better than barcelona

TheCollectorEX says:

Madrid cabron saluda al campion. Madrid sucks

LlehctimmitchelL says:

He can't even pronounce Busquets correctly. Says it all.

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