Barcelona vs Real Mallorca [5-2], La Liga 2019/20 – MATCH REVIEW

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Lionel Messi presented his sixth Ballon d’Or title to the Camp Nou and went on to score a stunning hat-trick against Mallorca on Saturday. Antoine Griezmann and Luis Suárez also scored quality goals in a comfortable win for Barça.

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TalkFCB says:

Now THAT is what we wanted to see from our front three, MAGICAL!


top 10 la liga goalscorers of this 21st decade

KM Snow says:

More real video and talk less will be better.

Jeanjams Tetou says:


Jeanjams Tetou says:

Ce bien messi

TAG_ 1101 says:

I m like look at the comic

Aminon Mavindidze says:

Thanks jamie

Michael Agyepong says:

Why can't we keep clean sheets?

Ananya Gupta says:

6:35 valverde knew what was coming tho

Jordi Forsack says:

5 goals against MLL is normal. But conceding 2 isn't. We are seriously lacking defensively.

Niraj Katuwal says:

Vamous barca?

Anas Falcon says:

Griezman: Messi and Suarez no Pass me the ball.

MAT: say no more

David Cecconi says:

This is the worst video I have watched on YouTube

Pavlos Rousiamanis says:

Also I think that ter Stegen is a better playmaker than Hazard.

Pavlos Rousiamanis says:

This is the best Barça performance since the game against Olympiacos in Camp Nou. For me.

allan rebollo says:

Suarez proved you wrong once again

Makrand Nage says:

messi on fire………..razor sharp…..
greizman has learned to play on the left….lovely….
Suarez back heal….amazing……ohhhhh…
good game….
but but but but…..
attack excellent… no doubt…
defensive doubts………..2nd goal ur defensive line went to sleep…..same careless behaviour….that worries….. me…
until we scoring more goals than…the opposition….me good…..
but a clean sheet feels good…..
Roberto has almost become a fullback…….his tackle was amazing……
tiki..taka….was great….
lots of lots lots… for improvement…. nowere near perfect….
but good link up play……….
wonderful passes…..
good ball retention…….
rakatic… had a good game too……
overall good game….joy to watch…..

jboys says:

Great game, also from the supporting cast. Even Firpo was in on the attacking action. Roberto suddenly springing to life, DeJong brilliantly involved in Suarez' crazy goal. I know that Mallorca are some levels below Barca and in a sense let us play. But we could have gone with a cautious approach, waiting our chance which would be sure to come. But no, thankfully, we were on fire and hungry for goals and playing with our tails up. Great stuff!

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