FIFA 18 – Tottenham Hotspur vs. Liverpool @ Wembley Stadium

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Check out this brand new gameplay of the Premier League in FIFA 18 on PS4. In this match Tottenham Hotspur take on Liverpool at Wembley Stadium!

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Laureen Hudson says:

go son and Kane and dele

Eyad Amr says:

I know I am wearing the man utd shirt but I am a liverpool fan

Eyad Amr says:

I am a liverpool fan so make them win

JasperTheWolfLFC 13 says:

spurs are shit ???

Mirka Kurjanova says:

Spur forever

SY T says:

Actually in the real premier league, I think that Liverpool are better and can beat Tottenham Hotspur.

Rami abosrour says:

What is the setting of camera for this video?

RedstoneRails says:

I love ur videos

shellsbignumber2 says:

Ali booked, no surprise there then.

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