New FC Barcelona team bus

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This is the new FC Barcelona team bus for 2014/15 seasson.

Este es el nuevo autobús del FC Barcelona para la temporada 2014/15. El estreno se ha producido este mediodía con motivo del traslado al aeropuerto para viajar a Helsinki.

Aquest és el nou autobús del FC Barcelona per a la temporada 2014/15. L’estrena s’ha produit aquest migdia amb motiu del desplaçament a l’aeroport per viatjar a Hèlsinki,

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Youssouf Oumouri says:


AnonymousKF says:

Кто с Чемпа.ком палец вверх!

Tornike Janelidze says:

————-Ter Stegen———— 

dantiidon says:

Why they didn't show the inside of the bus?

Robbin Chambers says:

Neymar……….. ………….Suarez

Iniesta……….. Rakitic……..



Tonyy says:

Does anyone kno what channel barca play on when friendlys are going to be over?

Alvi Navid says:

where is the inside video?

Umair Khan says:

Alex song should be the driver

Ma Steven says:

MSN ……maybe not bad in new season.Suarez will bite Pepe ! Aha

奇魔吉 says:

so no more players' faces on the both sides of the bus?

Nick says:

It looks dope man

Project X says:

Shouldn't it be "Autobus" ? 

I hope the other side is in Spanish otherwise, that is very disrespectful to Spain as you give no fucks about already. Everyday that passes I fill up with anger twards Catalonia. Ungrateful bastards! Last season you'll be here, and the last season I support this ungrateful team. 

Est. '93. 

kudmahelben says:

I thought it was an Audi bus. But, apparently it was a Neoplan Starliner by MAN. It is just an irony that Audi is one of the club's sponsors. 

沈泽宇 says:

the bus it"s rally vary amazing!!!!!! barca! barca! baaaarca!!!!!!!!

FCB says:

If alex song stays at Barca, he should be the bus driver.

Juho Viinikka says:

IM from Finland and going to watch the game

Gerard Bernat says:

Cant del Barça ! Me encanta !!!

Bane Wayne says:

Audi logo on a MAN bus…:-)

Dan Warbo says:

Why didn't you show us the inside , that was most people want to see !!!

Lorenz Lin says:

————–Ter stegen-———–

Would be im my opinion the best Formation for next Season.
It would give Suarez the chance to play where he is best, at the real/twin striker position. So that he won't end like ibra at barca
It would also give neymar the fredom he needs to set free all his talent and genius like for Brazil.
For Messi it would mean that the pressure is taken a little off his shoulders and the enemy's central backs wouldn't concentrate that much on him. He could still get Many finishers (and goals) inside the box when he uses quick
give-and-go Passes (when eh plays to neymar and accelerates, and neymar Passes the ball directly back to him or in his run). He could also combine it with his insane dribbling skills. That's a perfect way to put all three strikers in action and get the best results.

Another advantage is the twin six with mascherano, with his superhuman tacklings and his amazing anticipations, combined with busquets brilliant reading of the game. That would really help to stabilize the criticized defense and would make us much less vulnerable to for example Real Madrid's counter attacks. If we would play with rakitic as cm next to Messi as cam we could also do a pressing that is much more effective because even if Messi (just like iniesta and Xavi) doesn't defend much, we'd now have with Ivan rakitic, mascherano and busquets three of the best players for this exercise.

I placed cuuadrado a little in front of the rest of the defensive line because he could be like dani alves in his prime or like Marcelo: a right back that in reality is a right winger if we are in possession.
Also if we would be one goal back like agAinst atletico(CL) or real (copa final) and we would have to put all in we could also play with Matthieu as a left back (In this case left CB), and bartra and pique as cbs. Then cuadrado could play as a right mid/winger and we would have a highly offensive, 3 CenterBack formation to build up pressure that would look like this:

————--Ter stegen————

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