FC Barcelona vs the Spanish Paralympic Blind Football Team. Two of the world’s best teams play an inspiring 5-a-side blind football match to celebrate #thisability and the power of inclusive sport for children.
This week marks the 10th Anniversary of the UNICEF-FC Barcelona Foundation partnership. Over the last decade, the partnership has reached over a million boys and girls with access to education, sport and play for children who might otherwise be excluded. This work includes the “Open Doors” programme which operates in 15 cities across Brazil promoting inclusive education to girls and boys with disabilities. #TeamUNICEF is built upon a deep-seated understanding that play has the power to transform and improve the lives of children.
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The goalkeeper is my cousin.
FC Barcelona vs the Spanish Paralympic Blind Football Team l #TeamUNICEF
Very inspiring, loved the video
Oooo ye yaşasın Barsa və Batsalılar
Amazing team
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BR! Birrrll
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oloco até sem ver o Messi faz gol kkkkk
barcelona copio desimpedidos
It is nice to see the Barca Players playing with Spain Para Olym team..Both teams did great specially the Para Team..
Who even dislikes this?!?!?
Very inspiring, UNICEF!
fc barcelona és mas que un club
tabom mais vocês ja foram na minha pesca?
Awesome. They play better than me.
Pensei q o Messi ia errar o penalti igual na copa américa kkk
coe jc pega a tampa
pensava q o daley blind tava no jogo '-'
Já sei que vai aparecer no Desinformados
espana es oro
Parabéns UNICEF, Belo Vídeo. #BRASIL
se inscreva no meu canal, Ja me Inscrevi No Seu
Eita plagio do desafio do Desimpedidos shsh brinks
ótimo , mesmo sendo madridista eu aplaudo essa ação da UNICEF com o Barcelona
That girl at the end of the video <3
PELÉ >>>> messi