#BallondOr2015 – Messi and Neymar’s press conference before the gala

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Anand das says:

Wt hpn those three are in one team

Anurag Rai says:

These three are the best player…I had seen so far

Stefanella Sizzarettia says:

As Ronaldo and Messi get further into their 30’s Neymar will definitely start to win it

Cherrie says:

Look at Ronaldo at 4:25!!

Papa Perez says:

who else keep waiting when ronaldo will speak …

Nguyễn Lê Mai Hân says:


Nguyễn Lê Mai Hân says:

What du fax

liz estrella says:

estos tres son unos DIOSES del fútbol………….. los mejores del mundoo

Lion Rajan says:

Why ronaldo do not say anything??


neymar işi drpeoeppkeeeim sslspewceef


neymarhastanede sosis. le pek

Mashaka Jonas Madale says:

I love them are the best players in the universe

GuiG0d says:

um trio espetacular para jogar bola:

Messi: gênio do futebol
Neymar: monstruoso
Ronaldo: foda

CL• black reis says:

5:48 calmaaaaa kkkkk

Adam Tricks And Gaming says:

Messi de best?????????????????????????⚽️

Liam M. says:

Suarez might kick out neymar or messi

Liam M. says:

2016 – Ronaldo this year definitly

Viktor Talevski says:

I'm a Ronaldo fan, but Messi deserved this, he had a great year!

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