PES 2018 | Real Madrid vs Barcelona | UEFA Champions League (UCL) | Gameplay PC

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Amar Oualikene0505 says:

Réalisé madrid

Semih Taş says:

Abi pes2019 mu?????????????????lutfen

saba gameryt says:

barcelona better then real madrid but this is a game

Vera Lucia says:

Meu sonho possuir um vídeo game

حموده العنزي says:

ريال مدريد

Siomara Galvan says:

Yo le voy barcelona y los que no son aburidos

Gibral Altharik says:

15:37 good save by keylor navas?

Dimakatso Manyapye says:

Messi win FCB

Радуга ютуба says:


Raul Mauricio says:

Real Madrid cr7

Bue Silalahi says:

Manamungkin menang real madrid tang menang barcelona 3-0

Angelgabrielurrutiavillar Urrutia Villar says:

Esta bueno amigo si queres me pasas tu numero y jugamos un partido me disen g11otra

Nasirudin Azizi says:

what patch u used?

Игорь Болтнев says:

pes 2018 бодрый газон видно как фифе

Nabeel Khan says:

Ronaldo and Messi both are my favourite player and RMA and BAR are good teams

Manuel Osorio says:

yo lo tengo en pley3 y cambio mucho selos rrecomiendo

Fahruli Arul says:

Messi ga bisa main nonton tv aja
Di rumahhh

habil vans says:

Slah ketik mantap

rista helmiyana says:

real madrid menang ??????⚽

Jubaer Ahmed says:

how can i download this

Priyotosh Mukherjee says:

Where is isco????

Saif Nabeel says:

أرسل رابط اللعبة

Azur973 says:

les joueur de real madrid est beaux comme l' etoille

Wulan Purwanti says:


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