Pro-Evolution Soccer 2010 (Wii) Gameplay: Juventus v. Barcelona (Second half)

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Second half of a Champion’s League match between Juventus and Barcelona in PES 2010 for the Nintendo Wii.


Speedcell says:

Memories <3

Alan S. says:

let me say just one thing… you fucking suck…

littlegreenyoda says:

@martyn580 It baffles me how most YT videos of PES Wii don't show off the superior control scheme. If you don't appreciate the freedom of controlling your entire squad, why aren't you playing the game with more licensed teams or the versions of PES with better graphics/online? The whole point of PES Wii is to play association football without the need to depend on AI teammates.

martyn580 says:

why does everyone hate playing this with the wiimote and nunchuck??..i know its difficult as first, but you will get used to it and realize its much more fun to play with the the classic controller, it gives a whole new depth to gaming

Francisco Lopez says:

i went 17-0 (argentina vs mexico)

Koen Kerkhofs says:

I have the wii and I have Barcelona 9 – 0 ;D
I'm good in this game

ba dabum says:

ey a question:
can i use the classic controller?

Dre zale says:

dude play on playmaker mode you can make better strategies controlling the entire team

HelloWorld492 says:

@BoehserOnkelMa no

Rafael Tobías Quezada says:

@aedeling You idiot, just analize the sentence and you'll understand, dumbass
do you want me to explain it to you little baby?

jake macdonald says:

i have nothing against the wii, i just think xbox is better

karadewin1 says:

@magicsoundoftrance man first play the game…and then you will be like this game is way better than all NEW FIFAS like from 08,09,10

Nicolas says:

can i play this game with the gamecube controller?

Omar Jamal says:

@aedeling i have to agree nothing is stupider than seeing the the title saying "pes for wii" then say "this is better than pes for wii". (personally i think the graphics made him confused)

Randomista says:

@beatlejoseph3000 psmotherfucker

hintamaginsa12 says:

I dont have it but for me is better with the Wii Remote, i dont have F10 but i think then its the same controllers of PES 2010

Iduirdi says:

@hintamaginsa12 and you have wii controller classic? tell me because people tells me that FIFA 10 Wii is better with the classic controller, it's that true?

mac112b says:

hey challenge me if u want to loose at my name is B-money

hintamaginsa12 says:

The games of football then i have for my consoles are:
PC: PES 2010
X360: FIFA 10, Fifa World Cup South Africa 2010, PES 2010
PS3: Fifa World Cup South Africa 2010, PES 2010
Wii: FIFA 10, FIFA 09, South Africa 2010, PES 2010

Rafael Tobías Quezada says:

this is better than pes for wii but in 360 or ps3 is better fifa

arturoeast713 says:

can you play this game with the gamecube controller??

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