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In this FIFA 18 Experiment, we combine the two most dominant teams in the world right now, FC Barcelona and Manchester City. Then to make things interesting, we put them up against a team made up of the best of the rest, the world has to offer! Who will win? Let Professor BMOnus take you through another FIFA experiment!

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Check out my LetsPlay Channel: http://bit.ly/1TX95q2

Thumbnail by: @TRayALLDay
Check out his YT Channel Here: https://www.youtube.com/user/FIFATRayALLDay


Julian Bishop says:

1:13 booooooooooooooooo

Nikolas Basmajian says:

Rakatic should be in starting instead of busquets

Like if you agree

BoatMaster 64 says:

Who else clicked spurs because it was random

Georgie Crittenden says:

Salad is underrated isn’t he

Georgie Crittenden says:

It’s almost Barcelona vs the world

Lifeasafox ツ says:

Do Bayern and juventus vs the rest

Ashish says:

I think Spurs will win

Ashish says:

Spurs is godly in FIFA .

GG 316 says:

Barca and real Madrid vs laliaga

Ramla Hayat says:

The teams i support vs everyone else I support man city and barca

shamantai sherman 111 says:

Half of the team were Barcelona

MD Soccer 25 says:

Leroy Sané Or MBappe Or Jesus(Man C)

Bro Dude51 Lampseed says:

Why did not Kane go to the Rest of World team

Elvis Garcia says:

I see that puma hat

LFC Shaq says:

They will win there league but get smashed up in the champions league

Jammy Bam Bam MFC says:

11:12 Sanchez was playing for united on FIFA before his actual transfer?

Moskar Már says:

Messi is not the best

Maha Ashraf Khattak says:

your a manchester united fan/

Mohammad Reza Tehrani says:

Reps went to Arsenal.

Cedar Nichols-Barnhart says:

What if the computer played lingard in every game

cihad says:

Premier ligue Vs Laliga Satander

Fusi0n Palm says:

Germany and Argentina vs Rest of world

Snarfistien says:

Do spurs vs all world

Sanket Khadaye says:

Lol obviously rest of world will win Cuz Manchester was is and always will be RED city are just in form about last decade where as UNITED dominating world from senturies. Other than united there are so many better clubs in the world having way better players than fucking man City & Barca it's a one sided match ?

Reuban WEBBIE says:

lingard is better than salah

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