Barcelona's 2009 Champions League Title – Disgrace of the Sport

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1) Eminem – 8 Mile Road (Instrumental)
2) The Fugees – Ready Or Not (Instrumental)


Paul Ralhan says:

08:59 "Puyol could have catched the ball". As if the countless replays weren't tedious enough.

vaishnav adhav says:

Biggest robbery in football history. How barca mother fuc*ers deserve to win UCL. And their favourite player takes UCL and medal and balloon dor. And calls Brazil a fraud. Shameless

miguel Thecomedian says:

Business is business who didn't wanna see Messi Vs Ronaldo in the final? (Messi obviously the best) i admit yes they cheated against Chelsea but they beat United Easily tho..

weekly attendant says:

These football pundits are the ones we should refer to about anything in football. They know so much about football. They say it was a penalty…surely it was. They are Right.

They have all said Messi is the best footballer. Very Right there too.

Idoihh St Junior says:

Pure bullshit… lots of handball by Chelsea

AdamMCUSA says:

I’ve grown up my whole life looking up to and supporting barcelona, ever since I knew what TV or a soccer ball was. I’m 15 now, and i was very young when I first saw messi

That being said, I’m very dissapointed by any corruption, and like the 2002 world cup, the blatant mistakes by the ref cannot go unnoticed. If this corruption between UEFA and Barça continues, i’d be disappointed, but also not surprised if this involves multiple clubs.

The only problem I had with this video is that you characterized Barcelona and there players like garbage, when we must remember the players could’ve been blackmailed or threatened. You definetely let some anger slide in this video, and you managed to bring the Ronaldo vs Messi debate into this ?

Great video. Eye opening, but no need to spread hate against some of the worlds best players and one of the best teams

Jose Mourinho says:

They didn’t want to see An all English final again yet though 2011, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 Spanish teams have been winning champions leagues back to back

freehariello says:

welcome to serie A world. Juventus FC won most of their trophies that way

Dale Holmgren says:

Soccer fans are funny, going berserk over the ball hitting the back of some guy's arm. Soccer is boring AF, the NFL is where it's at.

walid azaro says:

And they say that we won six titles, and that guatdiola's team was the best ever, what a disgrace..the rubbery of the century.

BosnianKanak says:

What was in the first leg? It was the same for barca 1red card wasnt called and 2pens

David Varey says:

No penalty’s there Chelsea was playing long bass drogba was fouling then throwing him self up the floor

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