Neymar vs Juventus – UCL Final (06/06/2015) 4K

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MNcompsJR says:

Throwback to Neymar's only UCL Final so far. Great performance to finish a perfect season for Barcelona…

Alias Miranda says:

Piqué ??

Aryan Sharma says:

They said Messi was anonymous during this match..2 and a half minutes into the video and he has already given 3 brilliant balls from as deep as Busquets!

Breno Bastos says:

He should have gain best player.. score in all games of champions.

Abusiddik Ghorami says:

I love messi Neymar

Vladimir Malakovski says:

Pedro is such an unselfish player

kekhrieselie rhetso says:

100 Jesus love it

sparklebaby123 says:

WhastApp 00212649557676
عـــــاجل إذا كـــنـــت دائما تعاني من ضعف جنسي و تود معالجة هذا مشـــكل في أقـرب الوقت لك الحل رائـــع يزيد في صــلابـــة القضيــب ..إلــيك هدا الكريـم الفعال لمدة عشر أيام ستلاحط تغيـر سأتـرك لكم وتاب خـــــاص ب طبيــب

Cesar Reyes says:

Mehor del Mundo Neymar ??

Victor Hugo says:

Saudades essa palavra me define agora. MSN??

Armaan- Haron says:

This is neymar.. Our brazilian king!?????

marlon blackwood says:

they know neymar is the best

Aryskies says:

Why was everyone slipping so much

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