Barcelona Vs Real Madrid 5-0 29/11/2010

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Barcelona Vs Real Madrid 5-0 29/11/2010


TheEgoshoooter says:

So why Uefalona Fans still laugh about the 5-0 and the 2-6 ?

Jacob Brennen says:

I tryed to upload this on but it said rape was not allowed.

Dobri Mate says:

-Hey !
-Real Madrid?
-Sit down..

hltds says:

Im not real fan, and i used to like barcelona as my international team back when ronaldinho was there, but this team became so annoying, Pool divers, pain in the asses always looking for faults. You look like FC Porto with the refs always helping them on the league so they can become someone. They use to pay the refs with pretty girls and dinners, i dont know whats barça strategy. ILL LIKE barça when there is a Henry, a gudjohnsen, a ronaldinho back

Nevermore DL says:

i miss david villa….

Franco Columbu says:


Gurami Dizdiguri says:

בעברית 😀

DA SA says:

Fact: When Madrid loses they want to win by beating

ravingjedi says:

Autumn after the world cup 2010, Barcelona team looked good here, feel bad for casillas here though :/

richard v says:

cristiano ronaldo have not really help madrid at all

preevin27 says:

@Zeroes123 infact pique will beat cristiano to a pulp n murder him and bang his gf .

DKBRKS says:


I love the way messi does not give a shit about what happened between Ronaldo and Guardiola …

Fuad Ehedi says:

Madrid Fucccccccccck

CactusG26 says:

@noodleboy12369 maybe they will win the domestic championship this year but there is only one reason for that… the league titile is the only title they can win without beating Barcelona… which is something they just cannot do… it doesn`t matter if it`s on the Bernabeu or on the Camp Nou, Real madrid just can`t beat Barcelona…

CactusG26 says:

@DioGenisS15 not to mention the sick kick to Messi`s leg… Ramos just doesn`t know how to react any other way whe he looses and Barcelona was on his way to their 6th because Messi was alone running towards Casillas again…

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