Highlights FC Barcelona vs Real Betis (5-2)

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Comeback of Barça against Betis with two goals of Griezmann in the second match of the season J02 LaLiga Santander 2019/2020

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Catur Makmur says:

Striker barcelona 433 10 messi 7 griezman 9 suarez forza barca

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griezman first goal was fantastic

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Данель Халель says:

the second betis goal – brutality, fatality))

tommo2k14 says:

I fell asleep with this commentary

Young Jazz says:

Yeah beating small team like betis, try that score line with Premier league team's like Man city, Liverpool, or Tottenham. Liverpool already humiliated them at anfield and knocked them out at semi, Liverpool are champions of Europe.

wrap zone says:

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Lina Lina says:

GOOD GAME ????????

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Subscribe bleeeees

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Highlights FC Barcelona vs Real Betis (5-2)that’s the thing about people who mean everything they say. They think everyone else does too. “If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:THE ONLY PROOF HE NEEDEDFOR THE EXISTENCE OF GODWAS MUSIC “If a book about failures doesn’t sell, is it a success? “You is kind. You is smart. You is important. “Dance, when you’re broken open. Dance, if you’ve torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you’re perfectly free.

Ardha Khairabiyu says:

Griezman Edin euy. Meuni ngajelegur Kitu tembakanna

Aswad Hazrul says:

Griezmannnnn..griezzmaannnn.grieezzzmmannnnn..so so soooooo greaaatsssss..go go..goo..Im from indonesia

Riyan Heryanto says:

Visca barcelona ????

kehinde isaac says:

That second goal by greizman and betis were the best

R G says:

Good win for Barca but I reckon Sergio Busquets has to be the most overrated player that’s ever played for Barcelona. He’s also the biggest actor on the pitch, and would easily win an Academy award.
I still think that they should replace Valverde as soon as possible, he’s a disastrous coach and not responsible for any of their success.

KANG poek says:

Orang sunda tonghilap mampir ka channel abi haturnuhun..

More Tube says:

In the end you should always do the right thing even if it’s hard.?

Gothika_47 VLOGD says:

sub In the clasher

Fu Rii says:

Pains to see Fekir playing for a mediocre club like Real Betis..

Iwak Iwik Aquatic says:

Well played griezman!

Andreas Samuel says:

griezman pembelian yg tepat

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