Barcelona News Round-up ft Neymar Jr Transfer Latest

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Neymar’s potential summer transfer back to Barça remains a real possibility after the Barcelona and PSG met face-to-face to negotiate a deal. Here’s an update on exactly how the proposed deal is progressing and what we can expect in the coming days and weeks.



TalkFCB says:

I wanted to bring you the very latest on the Neymar situation before tonight's game guys. I'll be seeing you later on!

Imien Unuigbe says:

None of this drama would be happening if Neymar hadn’t left Barcelona

If you agree press

Peter Bachtiar says:

I do not believe that Neymar can help Barcelona if there is still Valverde and Bortomeu. The best deal is Valverde + Bortomeu = Neymar

Alon Shveiky says:

Hahahahahah #ServusCoutinho

YoUnGBaLleEr says:

i swear to god if barca finally get neymar (hopefully) neymar better change his attitudes and his pro perfomance for the better.

NJ 11 says:

No i think its a tactic between barça and neymar and also thanx bro ur the best

SuperNn19 says:

Neymar should get his sh*t together before it’s too late ?

zion ebenezer says:

((((((((((Valverde))))))))))))))))) THIS IS THE AIMLESS CAUSING THE MESS.

Emma Tony says:

if psg will agree to take suarez, umtiti, griezmann and valverde in exchange of neymar

williams chukwuebuka says:

we can give them dembele.

Momadou Dampha says:

Valverde shit should have to leaves.

Oraib Saleh says:

PSG are doing this on purpose… Why would they sell neymar to real madrid for like 1.5 million, and sell neymar to barca for like 2.2 million. ??. PSG!!! SELL NEYMAR TO BARCELONA ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!! like if you agree ?

Omar Sanyang says:

No One knows what that hell Ernesto Valverde Is doing. How can he leaves those two good players behind.

Sarthak Bora says:

The best thing will be MSN TRIO

Damian Amos says:

I don't think coutinho should go,why not loan him and buy him next season which a save deal because if does do well and no injuries then you keep him why would you sell coutinho he is as good and can make the same impact as him get rid of vidal,rafinha,rakitic so I hope abidal sees this and think about it

My Videos says:

PSG are freaking crazy.
We love Neymar
We want Neymar
But he isnt worth what PSG want.
Not to mention the drama he caused leaving.
We really want him BUT we dont need him so it would be ridiculous to agree PSG terms

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