Cristiano Ronaldo ● All 17 goals vs Barcelona ● English Commentary 2010-2017 HD

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Cristiano Ronaldo ● All 17 goals vs Barcelona ● 2010-2017 HD
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Mohammad Rasool says:

Its 18 now ?

Arciomo says:

Cristiano smash them like BBC smash white girls???

C P says:

That final goal though.

Ильгиз Валеев says:

Valdes's nightmare

พิ่เดล วงเวียนน้ําพุหาดใหญ่ says:

7:53 music you know ?

Siddiq Ali says:

ozil always seemed to find ronaldo.

Noob Hacker says:

Penaldo is real GOAT

Cane Lanh says:

Rnaldo himself and his fans are claiming he is the goat????? he score only what was assisted and penalty..Just one or two goal created by himself n scored….

Mannan iqbal says:

He’s only got 9 less goals than messi has against Real Madrid and messis been in la liga 5 years longer. Incredible player!!!!

Conrad Fonkwo says:

I want this version of Mesut Özil back ?

dwi adi says:

3:15 best goal

Pb J says:

During Guardiola-Mourniho era, each time CR7 scored against Barca, I felt eternal happiness, I absolutely hated that Barca team, though Xavi, Iniesta and Puyol deserves the respect 🙂 As hardcore CR7 and Man Utd fan

imena bez says:

7:17 Marcelo don't watch penalty?

Chico visionario y futurista says:

you lisent pajaro loco cometarist xd =?

JollyRhodes says:

G O A T ?

Fernando says:

Jakob cr7 maior da historia chupa

Mohd Hafizhan says:

most of his goals against barca were assisted by ozil. what a duo

Ems Baby says:

Juventus please buy Ozil pleaseee?

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