On July 4th, Barça is thinking of the USA

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Barça and the US have a star-spangled relationship.
To celebrate Independence Day here’s a collection of famous American faces with a connection to FC Barcelona
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Taufik Rahman says:

Barcelona… Best club in the world. ?

Sahtit Damnoen says:

1:20 Is Bill Gates can buy 3 times of Barca??

antonis antonis says:


the best youtuber says:

1:22 bill gates had that look on his face because he knows he can buy the whole club and its true

Princess Twivine Sparkle says:

I'm from the U.S in the state of California and I'm a Barcelona fan

Lionaal Messi says:

Why is neymar in the video? :O Is my dream coming true Neymar back to barca 😀

Salman Ishaq says:

Barca Barca Barca

CJ Rucklez says:

Man, the height difference between Rob Gronkowski and Messi tho…

SALIM GAMER سليم جايمر says:

0:36 nymar??

Luisfer04 says:

they should do Robert Downey jr

Bigi Ibbi says:

But USA don't like football. Wtf ?

ayadi mohamed aziz says:

Yyyyyy neymar 0:37

A c 3- says:

0:36 ?❤❤

Mama Iqbal says:

Did i Just Saw Neymar ?? 00:35 !? ?

Donny Morales says:

0:59 WTF Iniesta is back too?

Donny Morales says:

0:37 Wait a second when did Neymar went back again to Barça?

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