Hop Hop Hop
A venit Becali
Hop Hop Hop
A revenit Becali
Hop Hop Hop
A venit Becali
Hop Hop Hop
A venit Becali
Noi suntem
Crestini Ortodocsi
Suntem alesii lui
Hristos tos tos
Nu seputea
Hristos sa lase astazi
Niste crestini de fapt
Miei din turma lui
Saptamana asta
Fara apa fara nutret
Ca vorbesc in parabole
Asa ca A A A A
N-am avut nici un fel
De frica
Ti ki ta ka
Ti ki ta ka
Ti ki ta ka Barcelona
Ti ki ta ka
Ti ki ta ka
Ti ki ta ka Barcelona x2
Cand mai aveam
Cate-o emotie imi spuneam in gand
De ce te temi de mine? De ce ?
N-ai incredere necredinciosule
Si-atunci imi venea inima la loc
De-acum incolo veti vedea o stea
Cu adevarat puternica, puternica
Da, numai jucatori de valoare care
Ne vor duce, finala
Si-am sa spun
Ti ki ta ka
Ti ki ta ka
Ti ki ta ka Barcelona
Ti ki ta ka
Ti ki ta ka
Ti ki ta ka Barcelona x3
Noi suntem
Crestini Ortodocsi
Noi suntem
Crestini Ortodocsi
Noi suntem
Crestini Ortodocsi
Noi suntem
Crestini Ortodocsi x2
Ti ki ta ka
Ti ki ta ka
Ti ki ta ka Barcelona
Ti ki ta ka
Ti ki ta ka
Ti ki ta ka Barcelona x2
Becali Tiki-taka BARCELONA
Gigi Becali multumeste lui Hristos
2019 cineva
Ce smecher!!!!!!
melodia asta o am de la PYNK
Tika taka tiki taka
Eu sunt un evreu ortodox
Desi tin cu Dinamo , mi-as dori din toata inima ca acest om sa fie eliberat , si melodia iti reda asa un sentiment de melancolie chiar daca esti cu alta echipa romanesca.
Barca are ?
For all who don't know : That guy is Gigi Becali , he is a romanian owner of a football club named Steaua Bucuresti , this club have very big troubles with laws to use their logo and their name , now the new name to this club is FCSB , and also they have a new logo , also this owner is in prison , for about 1 year or more , all the suporters of FCSB are so sad , always on top of the table , the biggest club in Romania of all history , with so much succes , we also won champions league in 1986 in a final with Barcelona when Dukadam was a hero .
Don't forget:This guy is a trully man , with very big heart , support Gigi Becali , support FCSB!!!
anesongib is the reason this song is getting attention lol .ANESONGIB!!!
AnEsonGib haha Great job for using this song
Anesongib !