First team presentation for the coming 2019 – 2020 season

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Emerson H. Huamali says:

Jajajajajajaja era para que el inicio terstegen y semedo salgan bailando como en donde estan las rubias y se besen y tengan coito alfrente de todo cataluña el pais donde minimo 3 por cada casa que hay me an chupado la pinga igual que los de universicabros, viva el villa real el mejor equipo del mundo

der echte says:

Whats the name of the song in 3:17 ?

ban says:

Some Kygo music @ 7.20

ban says:

@7.28 feels awesome when kygo is playing in the back ground

Luca ninja says:

No entiendo cómo Messi puede desir viva cata luña es Argentino me da muchísima bronca

João Victor gameplays8 says:

Vou falar espanhol: tudo bien eu queria campeones nieste mundo

Сергей Жепхолов says:

Где найти перевод на русский язык???

Fieel Flying says:

Barça Number 1❤️❤️

Genes Alex says:

Barca fans are rascists ,no support for dembele

Orik Blakiqi says:

Is neymar coming in fc barcelona

قناة مبدع يمني says:

here is the translation
for massi's

Rohit_ Budhathoki ! says:

Messi should talk in English because he had fan all over the world not only barcelona

Filimon Andom says:

God bless you mesi

opendra mahara says:

I am from nepal i like messi most

Ashik Rahman says:

Messi is becoming a Leader???

it's Jihads says:

Messi play match nopoli

ES HA says:

اكو عرب بالطياره

Hovo Mukuchyan says:

Visca Barca

Nam Nguyen says:

Ngầu cuphêc

Alessandro Rus says:

Where is pique

William Castillo says:

The fact
In t

Oliver Henderson says:

Now comes neymarrr

Tú Hoàng Anh says:

I love Barca

ruse_ didi says:

aku tak paham bahasa spanish

vigneswaran ks says:

why dont they fire valvarde??

Luis Santiago Gracia Figueroa says:

Como quisiera una camisa del Barcelona…

Farid dz says:


Sungkar Cityzens says:

Griezmann looks strange with Barca's shirt ….