FIFA 18 FC Barcelona review – Best (Risky) formation, Best tactics and instructions

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FIFA 18 FC Barcelona review – Best formation, Best tactics and instructions

Please enjoy the video and hopefully its helps you the become a better FIFA player. Feel free to let me know what you think about it in the comments.


Mark van den Berg says:

I made a new video after the winter transfer period. Please check it out here:

barca LM10 says:

Rakitic instid of delofeau

Aayushman Gurung says:

we cant stop real madrid attack

StudMuffin855 says:

Make an updated Barcelona formation since coutinho is in the squad now!

Majid Fahad says:

It’s Like shit

Matt Pierno says:

Mark, I use almost all of your formations. this one is no good. messi and dembele were always way too high up the pitch for them to have space to cut in! mid field was crowded and my defense was easily exploited. I will try the 3-5-2 with suarez and messi up front

cheers from San Francisco

Agent. K. says:

I used this in 17 after Enrique did it vs psg last season.

Tt Uu says:

No good ???

Alfaisal Abdullah says:

I would like to ask why you put Mascherano in the middle and Pique on the right? I think it should be the opposite. Pique is so much taller and mascherano is faster. Anyway, I don't think it's a good idea to play with only 3 defenders for Barcelona. I always play with 4 defenders, and if I play against Madrid, I usually put Mascherano as right back (maybe it's strange to do that, but he's so good at it with me) especially if I play against Real Madrid because no one can stop Marcelo or Ronaldo in the right side of Barca like Mascherano. The others are terrible!

Also, why Rakitic is out? He's a great midfielder. I always put Rakitic close to Messi. I depend on shooting from outside of the penalty area, so those two are great for that. Messi makes the defenders just wanna go to him to cut the ball and that makes Rakitic open and ready to shoot without anyone bothering him, or I pretend to shoot and go to the center until I see Messi alone or less defenders around him and that would make a great chance to shoot or pass to Suarez. When I win, tt's mostly Messi and Rakitic are the reason to win. I couldn't find anyone worth it to play as left wing. Dembele or deulofeu are ok, but still not in the same level as the other attackers. I always say "fu** you, Neymar" haha.

I wrote too much, but I liked the video and wanted to know to point out about Mascherano's position and why Rakitic is out. Is Barcelona your main team in Fifa18?

like and subscribe, keep on posting more videos 😀

K. Manish45 says:

I have a big fifa tourney tomorrow hope this change pays off!!!??

Yousef Mzannar says:

Who r the substitutes

test test says:

omg i gonne try this one

Walid Safir says:

I would have exchanged dembele and deulofeu position

isaac shon says:

bro tell me please the instructions for iniesta is default as like suarez yes??? now i have another question what are you playing with this formation h2h online season?or jik off ? what exactly its very important to me?

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