Lionel Messi To Leave Barcelona For Chelsea? | Transfer Talk

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Will Juventus sign Gonzalo Higuain from Napoli? Lionel Messi to join Chelsea? Julian Draxler to sign for Arsenal? All of these stories and more in this week’s second episode of Transfer Talk. Have we missed any rumours? Let us know in the comments.

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Kenneth Thomas says:

A realistic Messi move would be to PSG or Juve maybe Liverpool ??

Engg Vlog says:

all fucking lie

The big dog says:

mess isn't leaving he even said it on his own words

thug says:

Chelsea…….. lol

Rohan pathak says:

is that true

robloxian wolf!!! says:

me:*reads title*………………..NO GOD PLZ NO NOOOOOo reads comments ………. …………………… UH YAY/UHHHHJ

Hidden_covers says:

I don't think he will join Chelsea

Jake ?? says:

It's good to look at how many rumours actually went through.

A J X 7 says:

Messi cannot leave Barcelona for Chelsea messi has played for Barcelona for whole lifeBarcelona is his home

Nasir Ahmed says:

he worth 200 million pound

Suraj Opinion is Never Better says:

messi could play for just about whoever he wants. I really don't think he would choose Chelsea, when there are so many other better teams to choose from. barcelona will probably be the only club he plays for until retirement

YOU American says:

I have more of a chance of winning the lottery then messi going to chelsea. not even joking. and I'm a chelsea fan Lol

Mrtee Tees says:

Stay at naply

diamond creeper says:

I'm a Chelsea fan but I think we have 0.0% to get messi

Rosabell L. says:

messi is not leaving

beastypie99 says:

Lol Conte signed Kante ?

Antony Weber says:

HAHAHA higuain the one man who stripped argentina of 4 titles is bought for 94 million? that's actually a joke

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