Real Madrid vs Barcelona 2-1 – Copa Del Rey Final 2014 – Highlights (English Commentary)

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Redi Beaux says:

Ancelotti beat Barcelona with Ronaldo, Marcelo, and Alonso on the bench… That's some Alex Ferguson-level shit

Gökhan Çelik says:

Ne koymuş be adam ?

ViNAy S says:

Bale was all over lol

ViNAy S says:

Benzema is so shit lol

Franchesco 14 says:

Hijueputa ramos asco ? de jugador

Mamoudou Sissoko says:

réal doit maximum de respect a Bale

Fans del Dominio nigga says:

Quien no recuerda a bale en esos tiempos era imparable

Ritik Grover says:

Did messi play in this match?

Ibrahim Sayed says:

7:47 Gareth Bale singlehandedly ending Bartra's career there

Alfin Setya says:

Messi is the best

جَ ـوُدُ says:

عَمِـرَيّ يّآمِـدُرَيّدُ

King tutu says:

2:38 neymar bullied LOL!

PIYxNayeon says:

Time change everything change, Football too.

Amirul Ilham says:

bale is better than vinicius n l.vazquez

Ngọc Liêm says:

Sao trận này cr7 không đá nhỉ?

rayhangaming indo says:


Alex Aguilar says:

I miss Di Maria he should’ve stayed he’s a super star

63MASARO says:

Waisted his talent in La Liga never really took off

Elijah Ezeolisa Official says:

Messi's face at the end

Hououin Kyouma says:

Bartra is the worst barcelona defender

Star SevenBG says:

WTF happend to that Bale, he was so good in his first season with RM.

Claudio Mc says:

Y messi jugo este partido? Ahhhh no era una final

Miguel Angel Arrieta Berrospi says:

La cara de la pulga.trizte.jajaja gracias GARET BALE. EL EXPRESO DE GALES .DANOS MÁS SONRRIZAS.Y SIGUE COMPITIENDO HASTA SER MUCHO MEJOR QUE CR7 OJALÁ que esta temporada demuestrale a zidanne que tienes más de tu fútbol. Trabaja más el juego en equipo .Y práctica los tiros más acertados. Siempre mirando alrededor. Da más asistencia de gol .Gracias campeón

Agung Setiawan says:

7:45 wtf that speed

NZLife says:

Why cr7 missed?

BasedBawse DaGawd says:

Idiots now 100 million is nothing compared to when he was signed so if you don’t think real get almost all 100 million you are crazy and he’s still young. Spurs should get him back

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