Reactions after Barcelona defeat Liverpool

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Reactions after Barcelona defeat Liverpool #BARLIV #ForçaBarça #UCL


Thomas Aldridge says:

Shut up we beat Barca

Notorious Nerd says:

Barca : We have a Goat
Liverpool : We have a Gini

Mark Turner says:

Oh dear .. It's not over til it's over , especially with Liverpool – YNWA !!

Uzair Ansari says:

Lmao Liverpool destroyed barca 4-0 in second leg???

theven sena says:

When you forget there is 2ñd leg and commented.

JiveAt5 says:


karteek menda says:

Karma the bitch has ducked the bitches

karteek menda says:

Make the same video on Barca now Barca fools.

kevin clsyton says:

I have q feeling liverpool will win 2nd leg 4-0??barca choked

Hafiz Ramli says:

4-0…hahahaha..i loved it

Mulbah P Nurse says:

Liverpool had chances as well as Barcelona but some of the chances from Barcelona entered the poles of Liverpool while Liverpool didn't. I think there were penities for both teams. Handball committed by Liverpool man in their box and pique hitting a player from Liverpool in their box. Salah hit the pole but Dambele had a last minute clear chance from Messi. But at the end but proved their best

Veku Swuro says:

Yeah Liverpool fc are u lucky that that itz only 3 goal

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