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Hablamos de los cuartos de final de la Champions League. Destacamos el partido entre el Liverpool y el Manchester City. Klopp volvió a ganar a Pep Guardiola. Y el Barcelona no falló ante la Roma. Y muchas cosas más.

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➪ Juan Arroita
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➪ Andrés Cabrera
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➪ Guille Glez
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Mohammed Hamel says:

Juan es gitano?

DavidEstu10 says:

Lo de Jose Enrique jajajajaja No puedo parar de reirme.

Oscar Garay says:

"yo creo que el city remonta esto" jajaja sigue creyendo, aun no sabeis que con la llegada de Virgil Van Djik de 12 partidos han conservado la 7 partidos sin recibir un gol, veis la premier o solo leen lo que dicen marca o mundo deportivo sobre el Liverpool, les suelto una pera llega un tio llamado Naby Keita la siguiente temporada al LFC que ya verais como cambiara la premier a favor de los reds.

Steven Zuloa says:

Jajajjaja mas de los tweets y los monentos de Guille va estar bueno

DJ Javi97 says:

Podrías hablar del Elche CF es un equipo histórico en españa y por culpa de gente que no le gusta el fútbol saludos desde Elche

DaVidCrisSt says:

Jajaja ojo a los tweets que poneis ahora no vaya a ser que luego la lieis otra vez!!

Jaime Mateo Sáez Fuentes says:

Se va a repetir el cinco cero

Juan Gallardo says:

Chicos podeis leer esto a ver que opinais? Vosotros seguis creyendo que hay taanta diferencia entre Messi y Cris?
Cristiano Ronaldo vs Lionel Messi in court:

Judge: Have any of you won the
Golden ball?
Ronaldo: Yes, 5 times.
Messi: Yes, 5 times as well.

Judge: Have any of you won the
Golden Boot?
Ronaldo: Yes, 4 times.
Messi: Same here.

Judge: How many individual trophies
have you each won?
Ronaldo: 16.
Messi: 13.

Judge: Have any of you played for
another club’s first team besides your
current one?
Ronaldo: Yes! Sporting CP in Portugal
first division and Manchester United
in BPL.
Messi: No. Only Barcelona.

Judge: Have any of you won a title
with your national team?
Ronaldo: Yes! We won Portugal’s first
ever European Championship.
Messi: No.

Judge: How many goals have each of
you scored for your respective
Ronaldo: Should I count the goals
I’ve scored for Man United and
Judge: No. Only for Real Madrid.
Ronaldo: 436 goals in 426
appearances or 9 seasons.
Messi: 539 goals in 625 appearances
or 14 seasons.

Judge: Who has scored more hat-
tricks in La Liga?
Ronaldo: Me. 35 in La Liga.
Messi: Ronaldo has. I’ve scored 28.

Judge: Which is the most prestigious
competition in club football?
Ronaldo: Champions League.
Messi: Champions League.

Judge: Have any of you won
Champions League?
Ronaldo: Yes, 4 times in total with 2
different teams. Once with Man United
and 3 times with Madrid.
Messi: Yes, 4 times as well with
Barcelona only.

Judge: Who has scored more goals in
the CL between the two of you?
Ronaldo: I’ve scored 118 goals in the
Messi: I’ve scored 100.

Judge: Who has more assists
between the two of you in the CL?
Ronaldo: I have 39.
Messi: Ronaldo has. I have 26.

Judge: Who has scored more goals in
total in the CL finals?
Ronaldo: Me.
Messi: Ronaldo.

Judge: Which one of you have scored
more free kicks?
Ronaldo: I have.
Messi: Ronaldo has.

Judge: Most goals with weak foot?
Ronaldo: Me, I think.
Messi: (Nods in agreement).

Judge: Most goals from outside of the
Ronaldo: Me.. again.
Messi: Ronaldo.

Judge: Who has scored more
Ronaldo: Is that a serious question?
Messi: …

Judge: Who has a better penalty
conversion rate?
Ronaldo: I think I do. I’ve scored 82%
of the penalties I’ve taken.
Messi: I’ve scored 77% of the
penalties I’ve taken.

Judge: Which one of you have scored
the most goals in total during your
Ronaldo: I think I have. 647 goals.
Messi: I’ve scored 603

Judge: How many football records do
each of you hold in total for both
club and country?
Ronaldo: 146
Messi: 110

Judge: Well, after analyzing all of the
facts that have been presented to me.
I can only draw one conclusion when
it comes to comparing you both as
football players. That conclusion is
that Ronaldo is the better player in
almost every category. When it comes
to goal scoring and accolades for
both club and country, Ronaldo
comes out on top. Messi, you are
without a doubt Barcelona’s best
player of all time. But certainly not
the world’s best ever. That is clearly
Ronaldo at the moment.

Messi: But I am younger than Ronaldo
and haven’t played as many matches
as him.

Judge: I understand that, but until
you surpass his goal scoring records
and win as many trophies both
individually and collectively as he
has, then Ronaldo will, according to
the statistics, be considered as the
best football player of all time. Until
then, keep pushing on and you just
might be able to achieve just as
much as Ronaldo.

Ale Alquaddradê says:

¿tuits viejos? Un saludo para Pablo Sobrado??

Hugo Reinhard says:

Joder Roma Fuerza Lazio???

Bernat Culé says:

El videoo de Guille! Y de todos los cuartos solo veo posible la remontada en el City por los jugadores que tiene y el entrenador. Las otras eliminatorias, salvo gran sorpresa, sentenciadas!

yvorio gi says:

Me gustaría ver posiblemente en el canal de campeones una sección tipo vlog de "recorriendo estadios" o algo parecido, para mí sería interesante conocer en video el metropolitano, el camp Nou e incluso de equipos de segunda o menor división, de verdad me encantaría que pudieran tomar esta idea, saludo maestros.

Ken Higuchi says:

El City remonta!!!

hal 97 says:

Como me gustan vuestros videos! Que buen rollo se transmite en una plataforma tan llena de haters, canales como los vuestros son de los que merecen la pena! Mucha suerte

Marmo Gawd says:

Soy el unico que quiere ver mas tweets alv :u

jesus valencia says:

Se vio muy mal defensivamente el City, pelotazos en diagonal que los centrales no podían detener y con 40 minutos le bastó al liverpool para marcar 3 goles y poner un pie en la semifinal si no es que ya está :c ; ahora, lo de Salah es asombroso, está a un nivel más que increíble, es impresionante lo que está haciendo, asiste, marca, corre para marcar, se lleva la marca, es muy bueno verlo jugar y aunque prefiero al City veo un poco difícil la remontada, tienen que aprovechar la localia e ir al frente con decisión y acertividad.
Un saludo, son unos cracks y todos queremos ver el vídeo de Guille :v

fallwars 15 says:

Gille que te pasa en el ojo al principio del vídeo XD

Rorro Martín says:

Hay que resaltar el partido de LOVREN poco se hablo

Alejandro Kong Delgado says:

Vídeo de guille pero YA!!!

Andrés Berkhoff says:

Digo que el city gana 3-0 en el Etihad y que lo gana en penales

Javier del Olmo says:

Sois enormes chicos!!!

Javier del Olmo says:

Video de Guilee glez por diossss!! ????

Carlos Olivares says:

Esta vez no se fue Andrés:v

Emer Alexander says:

Para mí, fue inesperado el resultado Liverpool – Manchester City.

Diego Díez Fischer says:

El cyti no va remontar

Emylio Gonzalez says:

Video de guille jajaja ya lo espero

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