Eden Hazard vs Barcelona (Pre-Season) 29/07/2015 HD

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Eden Hazard vs Barcelona International
Champions Cup North America

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Anup Nepali says:

He is so fast


Every LALIGA team is scared from hazard

Lucas jam says:

Hazard se pasa a esos jugadores porque son casi todos reservas del club menos unos pocos titulares que se vio

Eliseo Caraballo Romero says:

hazard and Realmadrid

Jo Hobe says:

c une véritable machine ce gars peace

Jo Hobe says:

c une véritable machine ce gars peace


In B4 we face them 4real and he doesnt play at a high level

futebol fc belo jogo says:

Você sebe quem e a pessoa mais bonita do mundo ? Leia a primeira palavra

Mohsin zaman says:

1:19 check that chubby boy ?? expression

marcy RommyHazard says:

I miss hazard this pre-season. This boy is sweet with the ball

Pankras Barasa says:

hazard was vry tuff that day.

xEinxSteinx says:

I'm a Chelsea Fan

xEinxSteinx says:

Eden Hazard is my Hero.

Luse Habamba says:

Eden hazard is the best player

vaiouser says:

4:44 Count Suarez of Uruguay.

Sérgio Souza says:

melhor jogador que o Chelsea pode ter kk tomara que o neymar venha ne pro chelsea

FazzaHD says:

Hey, pls subscribe to my channel and I will sub back. Pls notify me by either commenting on one of my videos or replying to this comment

BluePanther says:

He had time for flirt too against Barcelona that tells everything. (5:00)

Chatoyant Reverie says:

He was in a bell jar and now he's been released

MECHcore says:

If he would only play for KV Ostend ( A Belgian club in the Jupiler League, aka top league here in little Belgium ), not gonna happen anytime soon as our league is nothing compared to the Premier league, anyway im glad that he plays for Chelsea, the Premier League, the country where Football started, but im glad he plays for our national team atleast ! Anyway Chelsea im cheering for you this season ! but im gonna also cheer a slightly bit more for KV Ostend local here :')

Marsh.14 says:

Notice that he's basically fat in this video !! Hazard being fit now should make the difference

EpIc MontageZ says:

I was at that game.

Hugo Bouhennicha says:

Hazard ont l'oublie trop alors qu'il est enorme

NukemJr says:

they have dutch flags on there shirt why ?

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