Antoine Griezmann 2018 ● I'M COMING [FC BARCELONA]

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Song: Skyler Grey – Coming Home (ANO REMIX)

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Leonardo Insignares says:


Robert IRS says:

Griezmann will go to FC Barcelona On July 1 thanks to the 100 million clause of FC Barcelona, it will be better to pay for the 100 million pro because Atletico will definitely want more

Mr. RAINO says:

He will come

ardian prayogo says:

. Messi
Coutinho Griezmann Dembele
Roberto Busquet
Alba Umtiti Deligt Semedo

The Beast brock says:

Him and Messi will tear apart all of Europe because of the pace that griezmann has and Messi sets up the goals perfect duo

SOCCER 2019 says:

Good Barceona.

Sebastian Carrasco says:

Hope we dont sign him, he's world class, probably a top 5 player today, but he is not needed, dembele is a much better fit, he is an all around player who has shown a lot of potential in his limited opportunities this year, and in time can most definitely fill neymar's shoes cause he plays a similar game, all he needs is confidence and opportunities and in a year or 2 he can be one of the best players in the world. Suarez isnt going anywhere for a while, he is still 1 of the top forwards in the game and gives barca an extra edge physically, plus he the intangibles of an amazing goalscorer, and on top of it all he is one of messi's best friends and as long as we have a happy messi we will always have a chance at winning everything

spot spot says:

If he does Barcelona is going to get worse…

Danial Raza says:

welcome to barca family he will be am amazing signing


Name of song

Oeks Lohk says:

This is the ssme situation as dybala, messi and griezmann cant play together. They will have trouble luke messi and dybala did fir the national team they are to alike

gamer _A.R says:

2:18 my profile picture

Be 2U says:

dunno… i don't want him in barca!

Socrates says:

i thought that mundo deportivo were talking anything but it seems like girezmann is really coming to barca, excellent player but if his arrival means letting suarez and dembele go then we tell bartomeu no thank you.

Alberto Pina says:

I don’t atletico wants him gone. There gonna pay so much for him he is too important he is not gonna leave.

Magdy Abd El-Wahab says:

What's the of this song

Prikshit Chauhan says:

that's never happening???..not in even dreams?bruh

Seif Zouaghi says:

Welcome To Us Griezmann <3
#Visca_Barca <3

Zakaria Shendera says:

Welcome to Barcelona

Jon Xiann says:

I will miss Griezmann at Atletico Madrid wish he will come back one day again .

MNEESG says:

Griezmann leaves athletics is doomed?

biko Titti says:

please who can tell me the tittle of the song begining before the video starts

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