FIFA 18 – FC Barcelona vs. Sevilla FC @ El Libertador

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Check out this brand new gameplay of La Liga in FIFA 18 on PS4. In this match FC Barcelona take on Sevilla FC at El Libertador!

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Samuel Flores Carrasco says:

Sigue habiendo esa tendencia a hacer centros desde la banda, eso no cambia por mas tactico que quieran hacer el juego

GIANLUC - Fortnite says:

Min. 2:34
Messi D10S

Nasyitha Raia says:

Greet shout iniesta

BoLiD22 4k says:

oye una pregunta porque en algunos gameplays sale en el marcador FCB y en on otros BAR como se cambia

Dimitri Vincheov says:

Iniestas still got it…nice chip shot!

Football Nation says:

Big game, and a complete annihilation! ??

Natanael Cesário says:

Not one minute right, Paulinho ???

Natanael Cesário says:

I always look forward to your videos from Barcelona, you won my favorite, my friend

Lil FranXiety says:

Good Videooooo!

Breno Macedo says:

I have subbed and clicked the like button

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