The Worst Football Kits Ever? Barcelona, Man United, Arsenal…. Campos!

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The result wasn’t the only shocking thing about the AC Milan v Barcelona Champions League tie on Wednesday – Barcelona’s beach towel away shirt inspired us to look at some of the worst football shirts of all time. Check out these beauties from the likes of Arsenal, Manchester United, and THAT Norwich number.

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Rahil Rao says:

Man Utd have the worst kit

The Fourth Chairman says:

I'm not even a barca fans… but their kits were awesome and stunning I even envy them

Ritik Jain says:

I never knew there was a team named Jorge campus

Cars Galore says:

Celtic and Barca kits arent ugly. The only one that’s ugly is your face.

Tech Ji says:

Congrats for 700k

Awesome Nacho 3 says:

Jorge's are legendary

saurya kc says:

Barca Is not ugly

maria nunes says:

Great music for these jerseys

EPIC! - PUBG Mobile says:

I think all of the kits was actually pretty nice and cool! Bye the way,nice vid! ??

DannyDucky Games says:

Most of the kits are cool

JswishzHD says:

Celtic's kit was nice

Ziyad Sweilam says:

Celtic is pretty good


dont ever mess with barcelona's kit
1 like=barac is the best

Jose Zavala says:

I don't get it I rlly like the colorful jerseys and barcas orange and yellow are my fav barca jerseys

HD Johar says:

What is wrong with the Barca 12/13 away kit?One of the besg IMO

Tresiah Tangatakere says:

it's better than what you could ever design

Son Naruto says:

Barca kit 12/13 r not ugly

Mojovo says:

Who else think 0:28 Celtics shirt looks AWESOME!

GalacticPlayz says:

barcelona's doesnt suck so that means you hate messi suarez and neymar

Junior Okyere says:

the barca one was amazing 2012 2013

Shaco says:

Barca its making the better kits with Atletico Madrid

Shaco says:

all kits is good. you think you can do it better?

Klyn JACKSON says:

barcelona kit is not ugly

Finale says:

i like the 2012/13 barga away kit


barca and celtic is very good man

Parsa Nazemi says:

How barcelona?!!!!

vaibhav laveti says:

0:25 is that luis enrique!!

gemini jet17 says:

I'm wearing the first one now it's so nice

some words _ says:

Add Sunderland 2015/16 to the list!

Celtic Ynwa says:

How is the Celtic one ugly

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