FC Barcelona travel to Madrid

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The eighteen Barça players that have been picked for today’s match against Atlético arrived in Madrid on a flight that left El Prat Airport at 10.30am CET and touched down in the Spanish capital about an hour later.
El Barça ha llegado este sábado al mediodía en la ciudad donde por la noche se enfrentará al Atlético (20.30 horas)
El Barça ha arribat aquest dissabte al migdia a la ciutat on el vespre s’enfrontarà a l’Atlètic (20.30 hores)
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Le due S says:

Why did they have the same clothes

Elekber Panzer says:


Race Parker says:

y r they all wearing the same thing

jonh 866 says:

Goodluck BARCA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! from Washington


no juega messi goy.perdeis culerdas

Davi Elias says:

Vamos vamos vamos por los 3 puntos !!!!

Abner Creus says:

Con todo mi Barça! A ganaaar!!

Metin Rzayev says:

vamos Barça

dionisis neymaritojr says:

neymaritoooo i wish i could be with uu and see u playy some dayyyy

Stefi says:

yes messi beck to barca yesssss

mrizo1991 says:

vamos equipo!!!! todos son cracks! A ganar hoy muchachos! Barca #1!!!

slyonme says:

ese suarez siempre anda su mate…que chistoso lucho

alejandro arellano says:

good luck barca gonna be watching u today

Star Trance says:

vamos vamos por los 3 puntos !!!!

Beastthatbeats says:

Messi needs to visit a barber

El Tigre says:

Why they all wearing the same shirt xD ?

idcemily says:

why tf are they all wearing jean on jean ?? but messi looks good

Michael Kaitano says:

Messi hat trick I'm not gonna let Ronaldo beat u on goals again

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