Cheap Football Tickets

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The losing season for Razorback Football is taking a toll on ticket prices. Online ticketing websites, like, have tickets priced for this weekend’s game against Kentucky as low as 11 dollars. You can find tickets on that same website for the homecoming game against Tulsa as low six dollars. Associtated Student Government President, Tori Pohlner, says she is disappointed that tickets are being sold for this cheap because she believes that “razorback football is a tradition… win or lose”. After the loss to Alabama, Pohlner set up an impromptu pep rally held after a football practice. she hoped that this pep rally would boost the morale among the players to show them that students still supported them. Although the loss to Rutgers came that following weekend, many students still believe that we should stand behind our football team despite the outcome of the season. Looking on the bright side, Pohlner hopes that low ticket prices might allow fans to come to games who previously might not have been able to afford tickets.


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