Ernesto Valverde takes the first look at the Club’s training ground

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On Monday, alongside president Bartomeu, Ernesto Valverde visited the Club’s training ground the Ciutat Esportiva. The director of professional sport, Albert Soler and the technical secretary Robert Fernández, were also present along with Fernández’s assistant, Urbano Ortega, and the first team delegate, Carles Naval. The party took a tour of the facilities with the new Barça coach getting his first look at what will be his main place of work as of next season.
Valverde saw the dressing rooms, his office, the Tito Vilanova training field and the rest of the training pitches at the Ciutat Esportiva as well as the press room and the coaching staff’s offices. The Barça coach bumped into first team player Aleix Vidal, the latter training at the facilities, during his visit.
Ernesto Valverde was presented as the new Barça coach on 1 June, signing a contract for two seasons with an option for a third.
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alex rodriguez says:

a ver que pasa, ojala y todo salga bien con valverde

Edgardo Muñoz says:

Sing Bellerín and Dembelé
Usen la cantera.

Estime Peterson says:

verratti, that is enough for us

C6co66 says:

I think Iniesta is ready for way more bench time we need two good midfielders , I think Isco would have been ideal. Isco and verrati or Isco and rakitic or Iniesta and verrati
Coutinho will do

818_ lbx says:

verratti verratti verratti

Anuj Jr 11 says:

semedo, coutinho, laporte

WB says:

renato wants to go to barca just saying

Sergi Pinkman says:


Костя из Ривии says:

Better let Barca buy Christian Eriksen. For him and 100 million dollars do not mind. He is able to become a legend of the club

Nandakishore V says:


Riard Ramadani says:

Welcome Valverde.

nilson benavides says:

Sign Verratti

Lio INDEX says:

otherwise if Verratti signing fails we can always go for another DM like Seri along with a CAM like Eriksen + of course an RB Semedo preferably, Ricardo Pereira is also good but definitely NOT Bellerin

Cristian Gonzalez says:

We trust you Valverde

Tommy Vercetti says:

buy verratti ,bellerin and dembele we really need those players

Socrates says:

Hope Verratti,Coutinho,Bellerin,Dembele and Mahrez would come to Barca, AND I ALSO WANT JOAN LAPORTA BACK.

Bernardo Gomez says:

Robert and Bartomeu….Stop Masturbating and Buy Some Players!!!!!!

Gideon James says:

Awaiting the arrival of Veratti please

Hala Juventus Y nada mas says:

Please please buy verratti aurier dembele delafeou
Sell arda mathieu paco andre gomes=60 mil

Jerry Puma says:

el inicio de un nuevo triplete !!


Please accept youth squad player they are doing great and some could be/are good enough for atleast senior squad subs

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