Wow! U Can Hear Barca Players Talking in Empty Camp Nou!

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Stutter says:

Anybody know any other games like these where i can hear the players

BouksTV Barry’s says:

1:04 Suarez is a real bitch lol always crying for a penalty

hamad5885 says:

1:54 suarez freaking out

Vertti Niskanen says:

I remember when we had to go watching that match, but it was cancelled because police did shot someone in Catalan before that, and Barca wanted to protest about it…

CosmicNickGames says:

Like a Sunday league match…

Nicolas Pham says:

0:56 oh wait I forgot there’s no one

Mr GeekR says:

hahahaha suarez acting like a 15year old

Big Bigyan says:

1.23 saurez was begging

TheReal Doge says:

Dam so much negativity

ataladin 87 says:


Hit-Jack64 says:

When was this game held? is it a league game?

Adi Kurbegović says:

I really feel bad for people who traveled miles to see the game…this is so stupid…Why did they play behind closed doors?Imagine first time you are about to watch your team, be in front of your players for the first time and when everything is set,traveling through long distance and barely finding tickets and then all of a sudden you can't enter the stadium….pretty fucked up…Just look at that poor kid at 4:14 .One like-1 new ticket for that kid.

TheReal Doge says:

How fucking strong is suarez he just ripped his shirt by barely trying

Dangrg says:

Holy shit that looks like a regular matchday at the Etihad stadium

Josue Cortes says:

Suarez voice is so deep

Habib Hussain says:

This is nothing like the prem atmosphere

Chief says:

Luis Suarez is a Hulk Donkey

CactusBoi says:

It just looks like dudes meeting on a pitch somewhere and having a kick around

Carlos Corrales says:

O_o Barcelona suck they have no fans

Liam Ltb says:

“Fucking Hell, Luis” ???

Mango Heads says:

Why does it zoom into her but at the end?!?

sam wild says:

This is what all Man City games are like?

Zerkon 1021 says:

Suarez does the weirdest noises listen 1:04

Alvi Fadhollah says:

Fucking hell, LUISSSSSS!!!!????

Terb says:

Well campnou is silent anyways so im sure u can make this same video each matchday, trash fans??? 1000 crystal palace fans is louder than 100 000 in campnou

imvixx says:

I thought I was watching The Office Barca Edition fot a moment there.


0:44 lmao

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